MultiValue Compatibility

This section describes Reality commands and other features that provide compatibility with other MultiValue systems.

See also the MultiValue Compatibility sections in the English, Proc and DataBasic sections.

File Modifiers

On Reality, the DICT file modifier is used to specify the dictionary of a file; to specify the data section, simply omit the modifier. For details, see General Conventions.

For compatibility with other MultiValue systems, Reality will also accept the DATA file modifier to explicitly specify the data section.

WHO Command and User Exit U50BB

The information displayed by the WHO command and user exit U50BB depends on the selected MutliValue environment (set with the DOT/Stacker environment option in SSM Option 4 - Define Environment Settings), as follows:

MultiValue Environment




portNumber  userId accountName

portNumber userId accountName

mvEnterprise, mvBase

portNumber accountName

portNumber accountName


portNumber accountName userId

portNumber accountName userId

In other MultiValue modes, both WHO and U50BB behave as on Reality.


When called directly from DataBasic (that is, with the ICONV or OCONV statement), the information returned by User Exit U50BB depends on the MultiValue mode set with the $OPTIONS statement. For details, refer to User Exit Conversions in DataBasic Reference.

Tape Images (Pseudo-floppy)

The format used for Reality tape images is different to the pseudo-floppy (.vtf) format used by other MultiValue systems. The commands in this section allow you to transfer data between Reality and other MultiValue systems by converting Reality tape images into MultiValue pseudo-floppy images and vice versa.


Converts a MultiValue pseudo-floppy image into a Reality tape image.


FLOPPYTOTAPE path filename {(options}

Syntax Elements

path The path of the directory on the host system containing the MultiValue pseudo-floppy image.

filename The name of the file containing the MultiValue pseudo-floppy image.

You will be prompted for any missing parameters.


A Specifies that the program should prompt for a directory in which to save the converted tape image.

B Prompt for the block size of the pseudo-floppy image. Only valid with the D and E options.

C{n} Sets the Reality tape compression to level n; defaults to 5. If the C option is omitted, the converted tape image is uncompressed.

D Specifies that the pseudo-floppy image is in mvEnterprise tape image format.

E Specifies that the pseudo-floppy image is in mvEnterprise Save tape format.

J Specifies that the pseudo-floppy image is in jBASE tape image format.

K Suppresses the progress '#' characters.

M Prompt for the number of multipart pseudo-floppy images.

S{,n} Splits the tape image at a maximum size. If S is used on its own, a default size of 100 megabytes is assumed. Otherwise a maximum size can be specified, in megabytes; for example, S,200 would specify a maximum size of 200 megabytes. Note the mandatory comma.

U Use UNIX alphabetic extensions (aa instead of -n). Only valid with the M option.


FLOPPYTOTAPE reads the MultiValue pseudo-floppy image filename from the host directory specified in path and converts it to a Reality tape image. Unless the A option is specified, the tape image is saved in the same host directory and is given the same name as the pseudo-floppy image, but with the file extension .rti or .rci. Compressed tape images have the extension .rci and uncompressed images the extension .rti.

If the S option is used the tape image names are modified to include a sequence number (see examples).


Any existing file with the same name will be overwritten.


FLOPPYTOTAPE cannot convert compressed pseudo-floppy images. Before converting a compressed image, uncompress it using, for example, uncompress (UNIX) or WINZIP (Windows). Before uncompressing the image, it may be necessary to rename it so that it has the correct file extension; refer to the documentation for your uncompression utility for details.

FLOPPYTOTAPE cannot convert pseudo-floppy images larger than 128 terabytes. Larger files can be split into multipart images with the UNIX split command (available for Windows as part of Cygwin).



Converts the file C:\images\tapes\PFDATA into a Reality tape image. The tape image is saved with level 6 compression, in the file C:\images\tapes\PFDATA.rci.

FLOPPYTOTAPE C:\images\tapes PFDATA (S,50

Converts the file C:\images\tapes\PFDATA into multiple Reality tape images, as required, with each file being 50 megabytes or less:

C:\images\tapes\PFDATA3.rci and so on ...


Converts a Reality tape image into a MultiValue pseudo-floppy image.


TAPETOFLOPPY path tape-image {(options}

Syntax Elements

path The path of the host directory containing the Reality Tape image.

tape-image The name of the host file containing the Reality Tape image. This must have a file extension of either .rci or .rti.

You will be prompted for any missing parameters.


A Specifies that the program should prompt for a directory in which to save the converted pseudo-floppy image.

M Specifies that the pseudo-floppy image should be in mvBase format.

S Suppresses the progress '#' characters.

U Unites split images produced by FLOPPYTOTAPE with the S option.


TAPETOFLOPPY reads the Reality tape image tape-image from the directory path and converts it to a MultiValue pseudo-floppy image. Unless the A option is specified, the pseudo-floppy image is saved in the same host directory and is given the same name as the tape image, but without the extension '.rti' or 'rci'.


Any existing item with the same name will be overwritten.


Only Reality tapes images that have a block size that is a multiple of 500 can be converted to MultiValue pseudo-floppy images.


When saving an account that will be restored on a different type of MultiValue system, you should use the OLD-ACCOUNT-SAVE command. If you use ACCOUNT-SAVE you may not be able to restore the data.


TAPETOFLOPPY C:\images\tapes PFDATA.rci

Converts the Reality tape image C:\images\tapes\PFDATA.rci into a MultiValue pseudo-floppy image. The image is saved in the file C:\images\tapes\PFDATA.

TAPETOFLOPPY C:\images\tapes PFDATA.rci (U
TAPETOFLOPPY C:\images\tapes PFDATA?.rci

Either of these commands converts the Reality tape images C:\images\tapes\PFDATA1.rci, PFDATA2.rci, PFDATA3.rci, and so on into a MultiValue pseudo-floppy image. The image is saved in the file C:\images\tapes\PFDATA.


By default, the Reality SP-ASSIGN command will close any open print jobs. This behaviour can be changed by setting the SPASSIGN environment option, so that open print jobs will only be closed if SP-ASSIGN is called with no parameters.


Four additional ACCOUNT-RESTORE options are provided:

D Doubles the modulo in the files restored. Use this option if the target system has a smaller frame size.

H Halves the modulo in the files restored. Use this option if the target system has a larger frame size.

These options simplify restoring accounts onto systems with a frame size smaller or larger than the original. Note, however, that in both cases the new modulo will be only a working approximation to allow the system to work reasonably efficiently. For optimum efficiency, set the database's frame size to be the same as the original - either specify the frame size when you create the database (see mkdbase) or set FrameSize parameter in the master configuration file.

J Allows jBASE file save tapes to be restored onto Reality. Note, however, that any item that has the same name as a file definition item will be overwritten by the file definition item.

MtypeRestores a tape image that has been converted from a MultiValue Save tape using FLOPPYTOTAPE. Before doing this, you should use VERIFY-SAVE to check that the image can be restored successfully.

type identifies the type of MultiValue system from which the data was saved:

0 D3.

34 mvEnterprise.

W Specifies that the save is from a case-insensitive database. Use when loading a tape image created from a D3 Save tape using FLOPPYTOTAPE. Before doing this, you should use VERIFY-SAVE to check that the image can be restored successfully.


An additional VERIFY-SAVE option is provided:

MtypeAllows you to check that a tape image that has been converted from a MultiValue Save tape using FLOPPYTOTAPE can be restored onto Reality.

type identifies the type of MultiValue system from which the data was saved:

0 D3.

34 mvEnterprise.


Converts accounts saved from other MultiValue systems to run on Reality.


MIGRATE.ACCOUNT {accountList} {(options}

Syntax Elements

accountList Either:

If there is an active select list, do not specify a list of accounts. If there is no active select list, and you have not specifed a list of accounts, you will be prompted for the names of the accounts to convert.


O Repeat the migration process, including those parts that have been successfully completed.

This allows you to continue if the migration process has been interrupted or to repeat the migration process with an updated version of MIGRATE.ACCOUNT.

P Sends verbose output to the printer.

U Asks for confirmation before processing each account.

V Verbose mode.


SYSMAN account only.


Before running MIGRATE.ACCOUNT, do the following:


MIGRATE.ACCOUNT first asks you to confirm that you have set up the default user. If you have not specified a list of accounts (either on the command line or in an active select list), it then prompts you for the names of the accounts to process. Finally, it prompts you to choose the type of MultiValue system from which the accounts were saved. If the system from which you are migrating is not listed, choose the MULTIVALUE option.

Each account is processed as follows:

The following changes are made only to local accounts:

MIGRATE.ACCOUNT saves a log in the file MIGRATION-LOG in the SYSMAN account.