Verifies the integrity of the files section of a save tape to ensure its suitability for restoring.

It is recommended that you perform a VERIFY-SAVE as soon as possible after any save tape is made. This is so that, if necessary, the save tape can be restored with confidence.


If an error of any kind is found, repeat the save procedure, or ensure that you have an alternative backup copy of the bad area.

Command Class

TCL-I command.


VERIFY-SAVE {(options}


I Must be used when verifying an ACCOUNT-SAVE or M-A-S tape.

P Prints the list of files verified instead of displaying it.


An additional option is available for use when verifying saves from other MultiValue systems before restoring on Reality. See MultiValue Compatibility for details.


SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts only.


When verifying an M-A-S tape the VERIFY-SAVE command with the I option must be entered for each account on the tape.


  1. Ensure that the tape is loaded and on-line, and you are logged to the SYSMAN or SYSPROG.

  2. Ensure that the tape unit is attached to your port. If necessary use ASSIGN or T-ATT to attach it.

  3. Ensure that the tape is set at the load point.  If necessary rewind using T-REW.

  4. Move the tape forward to the start of the files section using T-FWD(s). The exact procedure depends on the type of save tape to be verified. The procedures for verifying FILE-SAVE, M-A-S, ACCOUNT-SAVE and SAVE tapes are described below.

Verifying a FILE-SAVE

  1. Enter T-FWD to bypass the dummy bootstrap EOF mark.

  2. Enter T-RDLBL to read the tape label and check that you have the correct tape.

  3. If a dummy ABS is saved, enter T-FWD to bypass the dummy ABS EOF mark.  The tape is now positioned at the files section.

  4. Enter VERIFY-SAVE to verify the integrity of the files section.


If the dummy bootstrap and dummy ABS sections are not bypassed, the VERIFY-SAVE procedure will show errors.

Verifying an M-A-S

  1. Enter T-FWD to bypass the account list or, if necessary, enter T-READ to read the tape label and find out which accounts are on the tape. You can break out of the T-READ using ctrl+break or CTRL+e. If you break out of T-READ, you must use T-FWD to bypass the remainder of the account list section.

    The tape is now positioned at the files section.

  2. Enter VERIFY-SAVE (I to verify the data in the first account saved.

  3. Re-enter VERIFY-SAVE (I for each subsequent account.

Verifying an ACCOUNT-SAVE

Enter VERIFY-SAVE (I to verify the ACCOUNT-SAVE.

Verifying a SAVE

  1. Enter T-RDLBL to read the tape label and check that you have the correct SAVE tape.

  2. If a dummy ABS is saved (A option), enter T-FWD to bypass the dummy ABS EOF mark. The tape is now positioned at the files section.

  3. Enter VERIFY-SAVE to verify the integrity of the files section.


If the dummy ABS is not bypassed the VERIFY-SAVE procedure shows errors.

Error Message Prompt

If the system detects missing data there is a prompt:


Refer to the topic Error Messages for a description of the message.


The following illustrates a successful VERIFY-SAVE procedure for a FILE-SAVE.

       RECORD SIZE = 16000     DENSITY = 1600
LABEL = 06:22:34 23 SEP 1999
LABEL = 06:22:34 23 SEP 1999
SYSTEM 0,11,1
 SYSMAN 0,29,1
  NETWORK 0,1,1
   NETWORK 0,11,1
  SYSPL 0,1,1
   SYSPL 0,19,1