Saves one or more accounts to tape.
You must always perform a VERIFY-SAVE as soon as possible after completing a save procedure. This verifies the integrity of the data saved to tape to ensure that it can be restored.
Command class
SYSMAN and SYSPROG only. If run from SYSPROG, accounts with update/retrieval lock codes are not saved.
Multiple reel ACCOUNT-SAVEs cannot be restored on a Reality Release 7.x system.
Synonym (Q-Pointer) and remote (R-Pointer) accounts are not saved. Only accounts defined as D-Pointers are saved.
An ACCOUNT-SAVE tape comprises a tape label and a files section. If requested, a T-DUMP of file statistics is appended to the tape.
Typical uses of ACCOUNT-SAVE are:
- To save infrequently used accounts which can then be DX'd and therefore excluded from subsequent FILE-SAVEs. See Excluding Accounts/Files from Backup.
- To save heavily used accounts between FILE-SAVEs.
- To transport accounts between systems.
ACCOUNT-SAVE and M-A-S (Multi-Account-Save) commands
perform similar functions. However, it is recommended that you use the
ACCOUNT-SAVE command instead of M-A-S as the options available for restoring an
ACCOUNT-SAVE are more flexible.
To save one or more accounts for restoring onto a Reality Release 5.3 or 6.0 system, you must use the migration utilities or you can use OLD-ACCOUNT-SAVE (see OLD-SAVE Commands). The migration utilities are described in the User's Guide to the Reality Migration Utilities.
To perform an ACCOUNT-SAVE, proceed as follows:
- Ensure that the tape is loaded and on-line, that the tape is NOT write-protected and that you are logged onto the SYSMAN or SYSPROG account.
At the TCL prompt, enter:
The following messages and prompt are displayed.
NOTE: IF THIS IS TO BE RESTORED ON A SYSTEM PRIOR TO 7.0 PLEASE USE THE OLD-ACCOUNT-SAVE PROC. 13:21:25 19 SEP 1999 Enter tape record block length, if other than 16000?
Enter the required record size. Press return to accept the default value (16000).
The record size used with encrypted tape devices must be a multiple of 8.
The software then prompts for the tape units to be assigned:
Enter tape units desired, in sequence, separated by commas.
Enter the number(s) of the tape unit(s) to be assigned. Multiple tape units can be used in sequence. Refer to the topic Multiple Tape Units for details.
Next the required tape density is prompted for.
Enter tape density (if other than Device Default)
Possible values may be 800, 1600, 3200 and 6250 bpi, depending on your system. A density of 1600 or 3200 may be required for compatibility with other systems. A density of 6250 bpi reduces the number of tapes.
Pressing RETURN only selects the default density, configured in the database config file.
This executes an ASSIGN for the specified tape unit. A message similar to the following is displayed.
RECORD SIZE = 16000 DENSITY = 1600 -
The software then prompts for any text that you wish to include in the tape label (the time, date, reel number, and tape record size are automatically included in the label). The prompt is:
Tape label if desired
Enter up to 44 or 42 characters of text, depending on the record size you have chosen. If the record size is greater than 31767 bytes (32Kbytes), you are limited to 42 characters.
The software now prompts for the account(s) to be saved:
Enter one or multiple account name(s). Multiple accounts must be separated by spaces.
Each account name entered must be represented by a D-pointer in the SYSTEM dictionary. Q-pointers and R-pointers in the SYSTEM dictionary are NOT saved.
If required, ACCOUNT-SAVE prompts for additional reels to be mounted. When it is completed, it returns to TCL and a file statistics report is printed.
Failure to write data to tape may result in the following error message:
Tape operation failed (after retries) Bad Tape - unable to continue. Type "Q" to Quit
Refer to the topic Error Messages for a description of the message.
- Enter T-REW to rewind the tape to the BOT mark and then use the VERIFY-SAVE command, to check the integrity of the ACCOUNT-SAVE tape.
- Finally detach the tape unit, using CLEAR-ASSIGN or T-DET, to enable other database users to attach the tape unit.
The following shows a typical ACCOUNT-SAVE procedure.
:ACCOUNT-SAVE NOTE: IF THIS IS TO BE RESTORED ON A SYSTEM PRIOR TO 7.0 PLEASE USE THE OLD-ACCOUNT-SAVE PROC. 13:21:25 25 FEB 1999 Enter tape record block length, if other than 16000 ? Enter tape units desired, in sequence, separated by commas 1 Enter tape density (if other than 1600 BPI) [1021] DEVICE(S) TAPE 1 NOW ASSIGNED, RECORD SIZE = 16000 DENSITY = 1600 Tape label if desired. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE . . . START ACCOUNT SAVE . . . ACCOUNT-NAME(S) = ? ACCP TAXP ACC . . . [99] 85 TAPE RECORDS WRITTEN. . . . END OF ACCOUNT SAVE . . . . . . DUMPING STAT-FILE . . . 67 ITEMS DUMPED . . . PREPARING FILE STATISTICS REPORT . . . :CLEAR-ASSIGN