Using the SSM Command

The SSM (Security System Maintenance) command allows you to set up system security by defining network profiles for PLIds, user profiles for user-ids and associated security profiles, environment settings, encryption keys and password definitions.

Command class

Cataloged DataBasic program




SYSMAN account only.

SSM screen

On entering SSM at TCL, the following screen is displayed.

          S E C U R I T Y    S Y S T E M    M A I N T E N A N C E

               1. Define Network Profiles

               2. Define User Profiles

               3. Define Security Profiles

               4. Define Environment Settings

               5. Define Encryption Keys

               6. Define Password Definitions

               Enter profile number. >

Options 1 to 3 are used to maintain network profiles, user profiles, and security profiles. Option 4 allows you define alternative Reality operating environment settings. Option 5 allows you to define encryption keys, which can then be used to encrypt your data. Option 6 allows you to configure user and account password definitions, including minimum and maximum password length; allowed patterns of alphabetic, numeric and special characters; sequences of ascending or descending characters; and so on.

To select one of these options enter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 at the prompt. To return to TCL, press RETURN.

Common features of profiles screens

The screens for the three types of profile — network, user and security — are all used in a similar way.

At the prompt, you can:

The cursor waits at the prompt until you do this. On specifying an ID, the screen shows the appropriate profile:

Thereafter, at the screen prompt, you can:

Any other response results in an error message.

For each option or attribute selected, an information prompt is displayed in the middle of the screen along with a help message at the bottom of the screen. Input is typed at the information prompt and can be one of the following:

A character string is a sequence of alphanumeric characters, as in a name or description, or a list of values. Some of the data in the security files is multivalued so that you can add or delete specific values within the value string, or just type the entire string. If you type the entire string, the values must be separated with a comma (,). You can remove multivalued data by typing a backslash (\). This nulls the entire attribute.

If you type the help character (?), a help message is displayed and you are prompted again. Multivalued data automatically displays the help message along with the current values for the option selected, if any exist.

NETWORK file maintenance options, USERS file maintenance options and SECURITY file maintenance options describe the options available in the three types of profile including their purpose, the prompts displayed and the input required at each prompt.