OCONV Function
Performs English output conversions.
OCONV(value, conversion)
Syntax Elements
value A DataBasic expression that evaluates to the value to be converted.
The value to be converted cannot contain any system delimiters.
conversion A string containing one or more English conversion codes, separated by value marks. Multiple codes are processed left-to-right, each code acting on the result produced by the previous code.
See Also
OCONVS function, ICONV function, FMT function.
DOLLARS = OCONV("123400","MD2")
Assigns the string value 1234.00 to the variable DOLLARS.
PRICE = OCONV("3*179*7","G1*1")
Extracts 179 from the string and assigns it to PRICE.
A = "6240" B = "D" XDATE = OCONV(A,B)
Assigns the string value "30 Jan 1985" (the external date) to XDATE.
A = "6240" B = "D":@VM:"MCU" XDATE = OCONV(A,B)
Performs the same "D" conversion as in the previous example, but passes the result to the MCU conversion code, to force the date into upper case: ."30 JAN 1985".
A = "A31-1" Y = OCONV(A,"TINV;X;3;3") PRINT Y
Retrieves and prints the third attribute of item A31-1 in the INV file.