Allows you to execute special code (known as a 'User Exit') from a Proc.


Use extreme care in executing user exits. A wrong call can destroy data on your system.



Syntax Elements

n Represents the entry point.

xxx The FID (Frame Identity) of the special code.

User Exits

The following user exits are provided for your convenience; they are widely used and should work on your system.


You can now load the same information via the SYSTEM function and this should be used in any new Proc.



This command loads the port number and account name (separated by one space) of the process executing the Proc into the active input buffer. If the IH command is used instead of the IBH command, the account name loads into the next buffer, and the space becomes an attribute mark. The input buffer referenced by %n is ignored and its contents are not changed, unless it is the active input buffer.


The information displayed by user exit U50BB depends on the selected MutliValue environment. For details, refer to MultiValue Compatibility.



This command loads the computer's system serial number into the active input buffer. The input buffer referenced by %n is ignored and its contents are not changed, unless it is the active input buffer.

Further user exits are provided for local requirements in some countries. See separate documentation, where provided, for details.