Saves one or more accounts or files to tape.


  • The Procs ACCOUNT-SAVE, F-S, FILE-SAVE and M-A-S all use the SAVE command and should be used at TCL in preference to the SAVE command.

    Daily backup procedures should normally use physical saves (SAVE-IMAGE or realdump) for high performance, and logical saves (for example, the FILE-SAVE TCL command) for transferring data between databases. Refer to the Overview of Save and Restore for important information about using logical and physical saves.

  • Always perform a VERIFY-SAVE as soon as possible after completing a save procedure. This verifies the integrity of the data saved to tape to ensure that it can be restored.

Command Class

TCL-II command.


SAVE SYSTEM {item-list} {options}

Syntax Elements

SYSTEM Identifies the System Dictionary (which defines all the accounts and system files on the database).

item-list is the names of accounts and/or system files to be saved (in the order in which they are to be saved, separated by spaces) or an asterisk to indicate that all accounts are to be saved.

item-list can be omitted if an item list is provided by an immediately preceding list generating command, or if the I option is used.


A Dumps dummy ABS.

D Dumps data files (default - this option does not need be specified.).

F Lists file names as well as account names.

I Saves individual account for which you are subsequently prompted. The prompting is overridden if item-list is supplied. If this option is specified, only DPTR account entries are saved. Any R or Q pointer type accounts or other non-DPTR entries in the SYSTEM file are not saved.

K Kills output to tape. Used to generate statistics only. Valid only with S or Z.

O Override any DX or DY D/CODEs encountered.

P Prints the standard terminal output to the printer assigned to your process.

S Suppresses output to tape and generates file statistics in STATFILE.

T Inhibits writing of the tape label. If this is specified, the first ? prompt is inhibited.

X Causes the status line to display an update for every file.

Y Causes the status line to display an update for every account.

Z Creates file statistics in user-specified file. Z is overridden by S.


SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts only. If run from SYSPROG, accounts with update/retrieval lock codes are not saved.

Multiple reel Multiple-Account-Saves cannot be restored on Reality Release 7.0 or earlier.

Synonym (Q-Pointer) and remote (R-Pointer) accounts are not saved. Only accounts defined as D-Pointers are saved.

Data saved using SAVE cannot be restored on pre-7.0 Reality systems. Use the OLD-SAVE command.


A SAVE tape comprises some or all of the following sections (depending on options) in the order:

Status Line Display

Unless you specify the I option, SAVE displays the following data on the status line if the terminal supports status line addressing.


  1. Ensure that the tape is loaded and on-line, that the tape is NOT write-protected, and you are logged to the SYSMAN or SYSPROG accounts. You are prompted for any further tapes to be loaded, as required.
  2. Attach tape units using ASSIGN, or T-ATT, with the default channel.


    The record size used with encrypted tape devices must be a multiple of 8.

  3. At the TCL prompt enter SAVE with the required options.

    If the I option is specified and an item-list is not supplied, the system prompts for an account-name (that is, the item-id of an account defined in SYSTEM).

    ITEM ID:

    Enter the account name.

  4. Depending on the options specified, the system displays a series of up to three prompts of the form ?. Information is prompted for in the following order:

    • Tape label. An optional description, of up to 44 characters can be entered.
    • Abs filter(A option only).
    • Name of file to hold file statistics (Z option only).

    When you have entered the appropriate information, the save continues. Then, on completion, the number of GFEs encountered is displayed and you are returned to TCL.

    Failure to write data to tape may result in an error message:

    Tape operation failed (after retries)
    Bad Tape - unable to continue.  Type "Q" to Quit

    Refer to the topic Error Messages for details on what to do.

  5. Enter T-REW to rewind the tape to the BOT and then use the VERIFY-SAVE command to check the integrity of the FILE-SAVE tape.

  6. Finally detach the tape unit(s), using CLEAR-ASSIGN or T-DET, to enable other database users to attach the tape unit(s).


The following shows a typical SAVE procedure.

       RECORD SIZE = 16000    DENSITY = 1600
? TEST (tape label)
? STAT1 (statistics file)