Creates a physical save of a live database.
- SAVE-IMAGE is only available in the SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts.
- SAVE-IMAGE may only be run by the database owner.
- Only one instance of SAVE-IMAGE may be run at a time on a
SAVE-IMAGE cannot be run at the same time as any of the other .
See also the Overview of Save and Restore.
SAVE-IMAGE is a Proc that runs the IMG.SAVE command with the appropriate options. If SAVE-IMAGE does not suit your requirements and you are experienced in writing Procs, you can copy the SAVE-IMAGE Proc from file SYSPROG-PL and customise it to meet your needs.
Do not change the standard SAVE-IMAGE Proc. Always copy standard Procs into your own Proc library file and make any changes to your copy.
- Ensure that the tape is loaded and on-line, that the tape is NOT write-protected, and you are logged on to SYSMAN or SYSPROG.
Enter at the TCL prompt:
The software then prompts for the tape units to be assigned:
Enter tape units, in sequence, separated by commas ?
Enter the number(s) of the tape unit(s) to be assigned.
If you specify multiple tape units,
SAVE-IMAGE uses multi-deck parallel save. This saves to multiple decks at once, using a round-robin approach to saving tape blocks. Each tape deck can each have only one tape - multiple reels per device are not supported. If you need more tapes than you have tape decks, you can use tape images as additional decks.If you press RETURN without entering any tape unit numbers,
SAVE-IMAGE exits without performing the save. -
Next the required tape density is prompted for:
Tape density (if other than Device Default) ?
Possible values may be 800, 1600, 3200 and 6250 bpi, depending on your system. A density of 1600 or 3200 may be required for compatibility with other systems. A density of 6250 bpi reduces the number of tapes.
If you press RETURN without entering a density, the default density is used as configured in the database config file.
The software now prompts for the required record block size:
Tape block size (default/minimum = 65536) ?
Enter the required record size. Press return to accept the default value (65536).
The record size used with encrypted tape devices must be a multiple of 8.
The software then prompts for any text that you wish to include in the tape label(the time, date, reel number, and tape record size are automatically included in the label). The prompt is:
Tape label (default = IMG.database) ?
where database is the name of your database. You can enter up to 42 characters of text.
You are then prompted:
Checkpoint Path (default = defaultValue) ?
Enter the path of a checkpoint file; this allows checkpointing using a host file or partition.
If you do not enter a checkpoint path,
SAVE-IMAGE uses the file specified in the FSCheckpointPath database configuration option, if set. If this is not set, the database's free space table is used. -
Finally the software prompts:
Do you want to sleep until 03:00 (Y/N) ?
This enables you to delay the start of the
SAVE-IMAGE until 3 am. If you wish to do this, enterY
On completion, you should check the integrity of the tape with
The following shows a typical SAVE-IMAGE procedure.
:T-DEVICE 1 C:\TEMP\FASTBACKUP.RTI:C2 9 :SAVE-IMAGE Enter tape units, in sequence, separated by commas ?1 Tape density (if other than Device Default) ? Tape block size (minimum = 65536) ? Tape label (default = IMG.pdbase) ? Checkpoint Path (default = none) ? Do you want to sleep until 03:00 (Y/N) ?N SAVE started at 12:50:40 16 Aug 2005 100% complete Dump complete, written 223 tape blocks in 00 hrs 00 mins 04 secs [560] Image Save completed. SAVE finished at 12:50:44 16 Aug 2005 Starting a CLAIM ---- Please wait CLAIM complete :VERIFY-IMAGE Enter tape units, in sequence, separated by commas ?1 Verifying Database Image... 100% complete Load complete in 00 hrs 00 mins 01 secs [562] Image Verified ok. Database Image verified. :
See Also
realdump host command,