
Creates a physical backup of a database.


realdump -t tapeDeviceList {-b checkpointPath} {-T tapeParams} {-l tapeLabel} {-m saveMode} {-r} {-x} {{-d} database}

realdump -n tapeUnitList {-b checkpointPath} {-T tapeParams} {-l tapeLabel} {-m saveMode} {-r} {-x} {{-d} database}

realdump -c {-x} {{-d} database}

realdump -f {-s} {{-d} database}

realdump -u {{-d} database}

Refer to Conventions for details of syntax conventions.

Syntax Elements

-b checkpointPath
Specifies the path to a checkpoint file. This allows checkpointing using a host file or partition.

If this option is not used, realdump uses the file specified in the FSCheckpointPath database configuration option. If FSCheckpointPath is not set, the database's free space table is used.

-c Cleans up a failed realdump or SAVE-IMAGE.

{-d} databaseSpecifies the name or path of the database to save. If omitted, the current default database will be saved.

database must normally be the last parameter on the command line. The -d option allows you to place it anywhere on the command line.

-l tapeLabelA string up to 42 characters long, enclosed in quotes. This will be used as the text of the tape label. Longer labels are truncated.

-m saveModeThe mode to use when saving to multiple tape decks. Valid modes are:

MPMulti-deck parallel save. Saves to multiple decks at once (like dbsave). Uses a round-robin approach to saving tape blocks.

Each tape deck can each have only one tape. Multiple reels per device are not supported. If you need more tapes than you have tape decks, you can use tape images as additional decks; see Tape Units and Devices for details.

MS Multi-deck sequential save. Saves to multiple decks, one at a time. Starts the next tape when the first tape is full. If additional tapes are needed, load these onto the first desk you specified when prompted.

When using this option, the -n or -t option must specify more than one tape unit or tape drive.

-n tapeUnitListA comma-separated list of tape unit numbers, as defined in the database config file (default save mode is MP if more than one tape is specified).

-r Specifies that raw mode should be used; checkpoint blocks are saved separately at the end of the process. This can be faster, but may result in larger image.

-T tapeParamsA string (enclosed in quotes) containing a comma-separated list of tape parameters. The list can contain one or more of the following:

type=typeNo The tape type - one of the following values:

1 = ½ inch tape (UNIX only)
2 = 8 mm Exabyte tape
3 = ¼ inch (QIC) cartridge
4 = reserved
5 = DLT or 4 mm (DAT) cartridge
8 = remote tape device
9 = tape image

The default is type 9.

If a list of tape units is specified (-n option), this parameter is ignored.

block=blockSizeThe tape block size. Must be 65536 or greater. The default is 65536.

density=densityTape density, as specified in the database config file. The default is 1600.

If a list of tape devices is specified (-t option), this parameter is ignored.

-t tapeDeviceListA comma-separated list of tape devices, tape image files, or remote tape definitions. Default save mode is MP if more than one tape is specified. If more than one tape device is listed in 'tapelist', realdump will divide the total realdump image equally between each device - e.g.

realdump -t /space/tape1.rti,/space/tape2.rti -T type=9 -d demodb

will divide the realdump image equally between files /space/tape1.rti and /space/tape2.rti

-x Verbose mode.

Veritas-compatible Freeze Point Options

The following options should be used only within Veritas control scripts:

-f Freeze only. The freeze option is used to temporarily freeze the database while some third party application takes a copy of the data disks. The optional -s parameter ensures that all updates are written to disk before the freeze completes.

-u Unfreeze only.

See Freeze Points for more details.


See also the Overview of Save and Restore.


You can also create a physical backup of a database from TCL by using the SAVE-IMAGE command.

Tape Units and Devices

If you are using tape unit numbers (-n option), these must have been set up in the database config file. When using multiple tape decks they can, if necessary, refer to different types of tape device.

If you use multiple tape devices (-t option), all the devices must be of the same tape type. If you need to use a mixture of tape types, you can use remote tape definitions that reference the local system (localhost) to hide the tape type from realdump. For example, to access the tape image /users/realman/accounts.rti as a remote tape device, use:


Freeze Points

The -f and -u options allow you to use Veritas software for backing up Reality databases. Used with the -f option, realdump freezes the database so that Veritas can start its checkpointing. The database is then released with realdump -u.

These two options are intended for incorporation in Veritas interface scripts.


realdump -n 2

Saves the default database to tape unit 2.

realdump -n 2,3,4,5 -m MP -T "density=6250" -l "ACCOUNTS Backup" -d ACCOUNTS

Saves the ACCOUNTS database to tape units 2 to 5 in multi-deck parallel mode, using a tape density of 6250. The tapes are labelled "ACCOUNTS Backup".

realdump -t "finance;/users/realman/accounts.rti;9" -T "type=8" -l "ACCOUNTS Backup" -d ACCOUNTS

Saves the ACCOUNTS database to the tape image /users/realman/accounts.rti on the finance system. The tape image is labelled "ACCOUNTS Backup".