Introduction to Reality

This topic contains a high-level introduction to the Reality user environment, describing the file structure of a database and the utilities available for database management and inquiry, and operation of system resources.


Reality is a software environment that supports Reality applications on UNIX and Windows systems. The applications support environment supplied by Reality is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), supporting multiple databases on a single host platform, access to Reality files on a foreign (SQL-based) database, a range of powerful utilities for database management and inquiry, and a set of utilities for operating system resources.

Multiple databases

Any number of databases can be created and maintained on the host. The only restriction is disk space availability. This allows independent and secure use of different databases by different departments or groups using the system. Each database comprises a collection of data organised in relational data structures enabling easy access to, and manipulation of data.

Database isolation

Under normal circumstances, all the databases you create on a host will be associated with the same copy of Reality. Although each database is completely separate, problems that affect the underlying Reality system can affect all databases. If you want to prevent this, you can use the Database Isolation feature that allows you to have multiple copies of Reality, running independently of each other.

Reality files on foreign databases

It is possible to create and maintain Reality files on a foreign (SQL-based) database. Reality applications can read and update these files just as if they were on a Reality database.


  • To do this requires a working ODBC installation, appropriate ODBC driver(s) and Data Source Definition(s) on the Reality system.
  • Support for foreign database files is not available on AIX platforms.

SQL view

An SQL view file is a Reality file that provides a view of an existing SQL table (or SQL view) on a foreign database. These files allow Reality applications to access data stored in a foreign database's native format. In most cases these will be used for read access; but it is possible to update files of this type from Reality if you know the format of the external table data and the rules imposed by the foreign database.


To create or access SQL view files, you must have a working ODBC installation (ODBC driver manager), appropriate ODBC driver(s) and Data Source Definition(s) for the foreign database on the Reality system.

SQL access

SQL for Reality enables ODBC- and JDBC-compliant applications to read and write data to a Reality database using SQL. Such applications are compatible with nearly all DBMS. A utility (SQLM) assists in creating SQL tables based on existing Reality dictionary definitions.

External interfaces

Reality includes the following external interfaces:

HTML from English
This allows you embed an English report in a web page for display in browser.

RealWebThis provides the Web developer with DataBasic experience with access to data held in a Reality database by means of a set of Java servlets running on a web server and a DataBasic API for constructing HTML pages.

Reality Java Interface
Provides the Java programmer with access to Reality databases by allowing them to call DataBasic subroutines, write servlets that access a Reality database using RealWeb, and connect to a Reality database using the SQL/JDBC.

Remote Basic ActiveX Control
Allows Visual Basic programs running on a Windows PC to run Remote Basic subroutines on a Reality database.

Web ServicesAllows you to make your DataBasic subroutines available to remote applications by exposing them as subroutines and functions on a web server.

XML SupportAllows DataBasic programmers to extract data from and export data to XML documents.

Multiple versions

More than one version of Reality can be installed and used on a system. However, only one version at a time can be installed as the 'live' version, that is, the operational version that supports a large user population. The 'live' version is installed using a software key. All other versions are restricted to a maximum of eight users. This allows for the development and testing of Reality upgrades before going 'live'.

For more details, refer to Running Multiple Versions of Reality in the Installation Guide appropriate to your system (UNIX or Windows).

Database types: partition and filestore

Two types of Reality database can be created:

Refer to Types of Database for descriptions of these database types and their comparative benefits.

System configuration

The diagram below shows a simplified schematic diagram of Reality on a UNIX or Windows system.

Simplified schematic of Reality on host

Database management utilities

Reality supports a range of powerful facilities for database management and inquiry, including:

Operational facilities

Reality provides a set of facilities for controlling system resources from the Reality environment. These include:

Optional facilities

In addition to the standard facilities, Reality also supports some additional resilience options: