An Overview of Reality Administration

This topic briefly defines the relationship between Reality and its UNIX/Linux or Windows host and the implications for Reality administration.  It then outlines the Reality administration tasks performed from Reality and the host system environment.


Reality can run under UNIX (including Linux) or Windows, creating a Reality Applications Support Environment with one or more databases.


Under normal circumstances, all the databases you create on a host will be associated with the same copy of Reality. Although each database is completely separate, problems that affect the underlying Reality system can affect all databases. If you want to prevent this, you can use the Database Isolation feature that allows you to have multiple copies of Reality, running independently of each other.

Administrative utilities are supported which can be run from both TCL and the host system environment; that is, the UNIX shell or Windows Command Prompt. Reality also provides TCL and host commands that allow Reality and the host system environment to be integrated. Integration between Reality and UNIX and Reality and Windows are discussed in Reality/Host Integration.

Types of Database

Two types of Reality database can be created:

Different types of database can co-exist on the same system. You choose the type when you create the database.

Database Type Comparison
  Partition database Filestore database
  Using host files on different file systems Using disk partitions Using host files on one file system  
Availability UNIX, Windows UNIX only (optimised for Solaris) UNIX, Windows UNIX only
Scope Multiple file systems Dedicated multiple partitions Single file system Single file system
Maximum size 231 frames (2 Terabytes if using the default 1Kbyte frame size) 231 frames 231 frames Depends on the size of the file system
Maximum file size Up to the size of the database Up to the size of the database Up to the size of the database 2 Gbytes
Maximum number of open files No limit No limit No limit Fixed limit (operating system dependent)
Simultaneous access to different parts of a file Allowed Allowed Allowed May be restricted by operating system
Reality disk striping to improve performance Yes (if file systems are on different spindles) Yes No (but can be striped by operating system) No (but can be striped by operating system)
On-line file resizing Yes Yes Yes No
Automatic file resizing Yes Yes Yes No
Automatic database resizing No No No Yes
Physical backup Yes Yes Yes No
Shadow database Not recommended Yes Yes Yes
Requires realfstab entry Yes Yes No No
Supports 2/4/8Kbyte frame sizes Yes Yes Yes No

Database Size

When deciding what size to make your database, you need to consider the following:

Administration in the Host System Environment

The following tasks are performed from the system environment:


If you are using Database Isolation, these commands operate on the currently selected instance of Reality.


The next three procedures can also be carried out from Reality. See Administration in Reality.

Administration in Reality

The following tasks are performed from Reality: