Remote Basic ActiveX Control

The Remote Basic ActiveX Control can be used in PC programs written in Visual Basic to run Remote Basic subroutines on a Reality database. The control exposes a single class, cNISRbRscLink, which provides properties and methods to open and close a connection to an account on a Reality database and a method that runs a specified Remote Basic subroutine.


Refer to the Reality External Components Installation Guide for details of how to install the Remote Basic ActiveX Control. You will also need to install the PCSNI software on the PC and configure it to provide connections to the hosts and databases you require. Remote Basic entries must be set up as follows:

Refer to PCi Standard Network Interface for details.

When writing an application that uses the Remote Basic ActiveX Control, you must add a reference to the NIS RemoteBasic Objects component (COM). You can then create an instance of the cNISRbRscLink class, set the properties of this instance to specify the required Reality database, and a user-id and account on that database, and establish the connection by calling the OpenLink method.

Before you can call a Remote Basic subroutine, you must set the appropriate properties for connection to an account on a Reality database - you will need to use a user-id that has been set up as described in Setting up Security for External Access. Call the OpenLink method to establish the connection.

Running a Remote Basic Subroutine

You run a Remote Basic subroutine by calling the CallSubroutine method. You must specify the following:

When you no longer need your connection to the database, you should disconnect by calling the CloseLink method.

See Also

cNISRbRscLink Class
cNISRbRscLink Members
cNISRbRscLink Errors
cNISRbRscLink Examples