Reporting System Usage


Each time a user logs on to the database, an item is created in the USER.LOG file with port-number as item-id. One attribute of the item contains the user-id. If the user executes the CHARGE-TO command, the software appends to the user-id an asterisk followed by the project name. The software also records the current account logged-on to in this item.

Account Statistics

When the user exits from an account or changes the project charged-to, the system checks if statistics are to be kept for the account (indicated by a U in attribute 9 of the account definition item). If so, statistics are recorded in the ACC file. ACC holds information such as date and time of logon, length of session, CPU usage in milliseconds and account logged-on to. Statistics are kept in multivalued attributes.

If statistics are to be kept on the current account, the software updates the ACC file when the project name changes (CHARGE-TO command), the current account changes (LOGTO command), or the user logs off (OFF command). When one of these occurs the system checks ACC for an item-id that matches the user-id and port number or the user-id, project name and port number.  If it does not find such an item, it creates one.

Reporting Statistics

There are several ways to process statistics from ACC. These include by user, project, account or some combination of these.

To trace usage of the database by project, use the CHARGE-TO command at the beginning of each session. The CHARGE-TO command can be executed from a logon control program. Then use LIST ACC or CHARGES to obtain a report of the usage.

You can use TCL, English, Proc and DataBasic to extract information from the ACC file.

ACC Item-ids

Each item-id in the ACC file has one of the following formats:


A project name is specified using the CHARGE-TO command.

Listing Usage Statistics

To obtain a report from the ACC file, use the LIST command:

LIST ACC {item-list} {selection-criteria}{(P}

item-list One or more item-ids in the form:


or omit if list supplied by immediately-preceding SELECT or equivalent command.

user-id is the identifier of the user for whom you want the report.

# is a delimiter that indicates the port number follows.

port-number is the number of the port through which the user logged on to the system.

* is a delimiter that indicates that the project name follows.

project-name is the name to which charges are made (set using the CHARGE-TO command).


Be sure to enclose each individual item-id in single quotation marks.

selection-criteria English selection criteria using attribute definitions from DICT ACC.

P Sends output to the printer.


To list all the items recorded for a given user you can use the SELECT command before using the LIST command.  For example, if your user-id is JOE, you can use the following commands to list all items for user JOE:


Command Logging

If required, you can configure Reality to log each TCL command used. Two types of log are available:


  • The information contained in these logs can be changed by setting the AutditTclLog and SupportTclLog database configuration parameters.
  • Parameters are also available to specify that the logs should automatically switch when they reach a maximum size (SizeTclLog) or at a particular time of day (TimeTclLog).

All these logs are held in the TCL.LOG file, with a separate item for each logon session.

Configuring Logging

You configure logging by using SSM to set an option in the user's security profile. You can enable or inhibit logging, and also separately set audit and support logging to start automatically when the user logs on. If logging is enabled, but not set to start automatically, you can start and stop logging with the START-AUDIT-LOG, STOP-AUDIT-LOG, START-SUPPORT-LOG and STOP-SUPPORT-LOG commands.

Logging Reports

To view a summary of the command log entries, list the contents of TCL.LOG. For example:


User Id. Account. Port. Log. Age.. Entries Date..... Time.... PLID..........
daveh    SYSMAN   00401 A    1     3       13 Dec 06 10:56:23 UNIX-900383-pts/1
                        ***        3
daveh    SYSMAN   00401 S    1     3       13 Dec 06 12:31:47 UNIX-900383-pts/1
daveh    SYSMAN   00401 S    1     2       13 Dec 06 12:05:21 UNIX-900383-pts/1
                        ***        5
daveh    SYSMAN   00402 A    7     1       07 Dec 06 12:32:27 UNIX-900383-pts/2
                        ***        1
daveh    SYSMAN   00402 S    7     5       07 Dec 06 12:32:03 UNIX-900383-pts/2
                        ***        5
***                                14

To list only audit or support entries, specify the AUDIT or SUPPORT macro as appropriate. The following is a typical support listing:


User Id. Account. Port. Age.. Entries Date..... Time.... PLID..........
daveh    SYSMAN   00401 1     3       13 Dec 06 12:31:47 UNIX-900383-pts/1
daveh    SYSMAN   00401 1     2       13 Dec 06 12:05:21 UNIX-900383-pts/1
daveh    SYSMAN   00402 7     5       07 Dec 06 12:32:03 UNIX-900383-pts/2
***                           10

To list the contents of a particular log item, you need to know the item-id.

Log Administration

Because all audit logs are retained on the system, you should periodically archive (if required) and delete the older entries to stop TCL.LOG becoming too large. An AGE dictionary definition item is provided to simplify this. For example:




will delete all audit and support log that are more than 100 days old.

Only two support logs (current and previous) are retained for each port, so no support log administration is normally required.


If you delete an active log, logging will stop and the user will be informed that this has occurred. Logging can be restarted with the START-AUDIT-LOG or START-SUPPORT-LOG TCL command as appropriate.

The items in the TCL.LOG file cannot be modified using the Reality editors, or overwritten with a modified versio