DataBasic Reference
This section of the documentation provides in-depth information on DataBasic, a high-level third generation programming language which provides the primary programming facility in Reality. The section is written for programmers who are familiar with the Reality applications environment.
This topic describes the purpose and content of this section. It also contains a list of reference documentation that provides information relating to the use of DataBasic, and lists the abbreviations used in the section.
DataBasic Elements, describes the elements of the DataBasic language, explaining much of the operation of DataBasic, short of describing the actual functioning of specific statements, functions and commands.
Statements and Intrinsic Functions, provides a detailed description of each statement and intrinsic function supported by DataBasic in Reality. Descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order of statement/function name.
Related TCL Commands, describes the TCL commands and Procs that are provided to handle DataBasic programs. Descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order of command name.
Programming in DataBasic, describes a number of general coding techniques to keep in mind when writing a DataBasic program and provides a variety of programming examples.
DataBasic Debugger, describes entry to the debugger, the use of the Symbol Table and how to enable and disable the debugger. Detailed descriptions of the debugger commands available are then given.
Additional Information
The following provide information related to the DataBasic facilities described in this section. A number of these are referred to within the section.
User's Reference: Administration
For a complete list of Reality documentation, refer to the Document Directory.
Abbreviations and conventions
The following abbreviations are used in this section.
AM Attribute Mark
BOT Beginning-of-Tape Mark
DICT Dictionary File
EOF End-of-File Mark
EOL End-of-Line
EOS End-of-screen
IPC Inter Process Communication
KB kilo bytes (1024 bytes)
MD Master Dictionary
MTU Magnetic Tape Unit
SVM Subvalue Mark
TCL Terminal Control Language
VM Value Mark
In addition, the following abbreviations are used in describing the syntax elements of DataBasic statements and intrinsic functions.
attr attribute
char character
ctlg catalog
delim delimiter
dim dimensioned
dyn dynamic
expr expression
loc locate
occur occurrence
substr substring
subval subvalue
var variable
Other conventions used in this section are listed in the General Conventions section.