Reality Proc Reference
This section provides in-depth information on the Proc programming language. It is intended for use by programmers familiar with the Reality or RealityX programming environment.
A Proc comprises one or more commands that are executed when the Proc is called via a single word command.
Any sequence of commands that can be executed from the terminal can be stored in a Proc. In addition, there are special Proc commands. These stored commands are executed by the Proc processor and require no compilation phase, although Procs can optionally be compiled for greater efficiency.
Proc is similar to the Job Control Language (JCL) used in other computer systems, but it has more capabilities and is therefore more powerful. It can be used interactively to prompt the user. It can test and verify input data as it is entered from the keyboard. It has the ability to access and update files.
This topic defines the purpose of this section and lists other relevant documents.
Proc Features, provides an introduction to the facilities available within Proc and describes how a Proc is constructed and executed.
PQN Proc Commands, gives a full description of each PQN Proc command.
TCL Commands Related to Proc, describes those TCL commands that are related to Proc.
Differences between PQ and PQN Proc
Related Documents
Proc interfaces with both the ENGLISH and DataBasic languages. Frequent references to these languages are made throughout this section. Also, to create Procs, you use one of the editors provided. If you need additional information on ENGLISH, DataBasic, or the editors, please refer to
ENGLISH Reference
DataBasic Reference
Screen Editor
This section also makes reference to User's Reference: General, Operation and Administration.
For a complete list of Reality documentation, refer to the Document Directory.
The following abbreviations are used in text:
PIB Primary Input Buffer.
POB Primary Output Buffer.
SIB Secondary Input Buffer.
SOB Secondary Input Buffer.
In this section, the following conventions are used in addition to those listed in the General Conventions section:
Used in examples to show position of a buffer pointer.
^ Represents an attribute mark (X'FE', CTRL+^). Used as a parameter separator in PQN Proc.
] Represents a value mark (X'FD', CTRL+]).