SSM Option 3 - Define Security Profiles

This option allows you to maintain security profiles. Security profiles are kept in the SECURITY system file under the SYSMAN account.

On selecting Option 3 on the SSM screen, the following screen is displayed.

              S E C U R I T Y    F I L E    M A I N T E N A N C E
Security ID >
 1 Accessible Accounts    :             14 Remote Logon           :
 2 Inaccessible Accounts  :             15 System Debugger        :
 3 Allowed Logon Times    :             16 Basic Debugger         :
 4 Disallowed Logon Times :             17 A*L*L Debugger         :
 5 TCL Access             :             18 RPL Debugger           :
 6 Software User IDs      :             19 Shell Security Level   :
 7 Max System Privilege   :             20 Directory View         :
 8 Alt Server Profiles    :             21 SQL Catalog Maintenance:
 9 TCL Logging            :             22 TIPH password required :
10 Environment Control.   :             23 Remote Basic           :
11 Passworded Acct Logon  :             24 Tandem                 :
12 Remote File Access     :             25 Reality Encryption Keys:
13 Logto                  :             26 Reserved
Enter security id.
(or 'CR' to exit, '?' for list, 'D' for default or '*' for current)

There are common features of profiles screens that you can use to create, edit and delete profiles.

The following is an example of the screen displayed for the new profile-id entry USERS. The parameters displayed are the default settings derived from the DEFAULT profile in the SECURITY file.

              S E C U R I T Y    F I L E    M A I N T E N A N C E
Security ID >USERS     *NEW ITEM*
 1 Accessible Accounts    :none         14 Remote Logon           :No
 2 Inaccessible Accounts  :none         15 System Debugger        :No
 3 Allowed Logon Times    :none         16 Basic Debugger         :No
 4 Disallowed Logon Times :none         17 A*L*L Debugger         :No
 5 TCL Access             :Yes          18 RPL Debugger           :No
 6 Software User IDs      :none         19 Shell Security Level   :2
 7 Max System Privilege   :1            20 Directory View         :Yes
 8 Alt Server Profiles    :none         21 SQL Catalog Maintenance:No
 9 TCL Logging            :Inhibited    22 TIPH password required :Yes
10 Environment Control.   :0            23 Remote Basic           :Inhibited
11 Passworded Acct Logon  :No           24 Tandem                 :Disabled
12 Remote File Access     :No           25 Reality Encryption Keys:none
13 Logto                  :Yes          26 Reserved

Enter option# (1-26) to change; EX to exit; FI to file; FD to delete :


The DEFAULT profile is assigned to a user if a specific profile is not included in their user profile.

SECURITY file maintenance options


1. To display a help message, enter ? at the information prompt. To leave a field unchanged press RETURN. To null a field, enter a backslash (\).

2. Debugger options 15, 16, 17 and 18. Selecting one of these options allows the user access to the specified debugger according to the privilege level specified in option 7 and any other restrictions that might apply; for example, BREAK key disabled.

3. Option 16. If the user enters the DataBasic debugger due to an abort in DataBasic run time, END and OFF are the only commands that the DataBasic debugger will process.

Restricted Access Lookup file

Each account that contains subroutines to be called though Remote BASIC must contain a file with the name you specify in option 23. This file must contain an item with the following format for each allowed subroutine in this account:

Item-id SubroutineName

Attribute 1 V

Attributes 2 onwards Reserved for future use.

When you call a subroutine from Remote BASIC, the subroutine name is looked up in this file. If an item with the same name as the subroutine is found and attribute 1 of this item contains V, the subroutine is looked for in the Master Dictionary in the normal way (see Master Dictionaries).

host Command Shell Security

The host Command Shell Security Level (0 to 2), specified in option 19 on the SECURITY File Maintenance screen, determine the host commands that are allowed to be executed from Reality by the user. Restrictions apply to the following Reality processors:

Reality compares the command to be executed by the processor against three lists of host commands which are set up by the database administrator in the following host files in the database's configs directory:

sys.neededLists host commands that are essential for running Reality.

sys.userLists host commands that the user wishes to explicitly permit.

sys.profileLists host commands that may be run by any user with the relevant security profile.

One set of SYS files is set up on a database, sys.needed, sys.user and any number of sys.profile. For details, refer to SYS Security Files.