Terminal Types
This topic lists the terminal types supported by Reality together with their TERM TYPE number.
When the @ function is used for extended cursor addressing, the system sends a cursor control string depending on the terminal defined by TERMTYPE.
Different terminal types are indicated by changing the termType parameter (#9) of the TERM command or option 8 in SSM Network File Maintenance
The following types are defined.
0 PRISM I and II (U.S. only)
1 Microdata Scribe (U.S. only)
2 ADDS Viewpoint (U.S. only)
3 Hardcopy device. Invalid for terminals. All cursor control requests are emitted as a CR/LF (X'0D'/X'0A') pair.
4 PRISM 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 (default)
5 VT52 (U.S. only)
6 VT100 and VT220 (and Microsoft Windows)
7 Wyse 50 (U.S. only)
8 PRISM 8/9 in multinational mode
9 PRISM 9 in ANSI mode
15 Terminal defined by the host environment variable TERM (UNIX only)
These settings also indicate whether or not the terminal handles visual mode characters; Types 4 and 5 are set to YES.