User's Reference

This volume contains general user information about Reality that is not specific to operation or administration.

This topic describes the purpose of this section and outlines its contents. The section is organised into the following parts:


Introduction to Reality

Introduction to Reality, contains a high-level introduction to the Reality user environment, outlining the file structure of a database, the utilities provided for database management and inquiry, and the operation of system resources.


File and Item Structures, describes the basic structure of a Reality file and item. It then details the various dictionary and data items found in a Reality database.

File and File Index Management, provides an overview of TCL commands and discusses procedures for managing files, items and file indexes. The TCL commands listed include commands for: creating, deleting and copying files and items; listing and sorting items in a file; moving and renaming a file; producing file hashing statistics; creating a directory view file; searching for an item-id or string in a file; comparing items; and defining, creating, deleting, selecting and verifying indexes. It also discusses procedures for selecting a modulo, sizing and resizing files, and creating and using file indexes.

TCL commands

TCL and General User Commands, introduces the Terminal Command Language. It describes the various types of commands, the general procedures used for TCL input and screen control, and techniques for customising TCL facilities in an account. It also contains detailed descriptions of all TCL commands available to general users and not described anywhere else in the documentation.

ASCII codes

Decimal, Hexadecimal and ASCII Table, lists the conversion of decimal numbers and hex numbers to ASCII codes and their corresponding keys/effects.