Reads, displays and stores tape labels.

Command Class

TCL-I command.


T-RDLBL {channel} {reelNumber}

Syntax Elements

channel Optional. The channel to which the required tape units have been attached using the ASSIGN command. If omitted, the tape units attached to the default channel are used.

reelNumber Optional. The reel number; the default is 1.


Before using T-RDLBL, you must attach the required tape unit(s) to the port.

T-RDLBL automatically changes the record size, if it is different from the size previously attached.

Use T-RDLBL to initialise the internal label storage area when you are working with FILE-SAVE or ACCOUNT-SAVE tapes, or when beginning tape operations on a reel other than number 1.

You only need to use T-RDLBL once when working on a tape set, because the label data is stored during a logon session. An example is a SEL-RESTORE which begins with reel 2 of a three reel file-save. When reel 2 reaches end-of-tape (EOT), the system must be able to prompt for reel 3. It is able to do so only if, prior to the SEL-RESTORE, reel 2 was mounted at load point, and the command T-RDLBL 2 was used to initialise the label buffer.

If the contents of the tape are encrypted and/or compressed (see Tape Definitions and T-DEVICE), this information is also displayed.


LABEL = TEST.ACCT]09:08:09 22 SEP 1991

Reads, displays, and stores the label from the first reel assigned to channel B.

LABEL = DOC.ACCT]10:01:04 21 AUG 1991

Reads, displays, and stores the label from the first reel assigned to the default channel. The tape size is changed to the size specified on the label.

LABEL = CAM RESULTS]11:12:04 21 AUG 1991

Reads, displays, and stores the label from the third reel assigned to the default channel.