Tape Definitions
There are three configuration parameters relating to tape configuration: TapeNum
, Tapen
and TapeDevTypen.
parameter defines the number of tape drives available on this database. For example:
The available tape drives are named
and so on. A particular tape may be defined several times: once to define the device driver for the default density; and once for each additional density supported.Note
On Windows, the appropriate tape driver must be installed.
The parameters
, etc. define the tape density and the device driver for the associated drive as follows:Tapen{:density}=tape-device
n The tape drive number.
density The data density. If density is omitted it is set to the default for the device. density may be used to select compression used. See examples below.
tape-device One of the following:
The path of the required tape device on the local host.
The path of a tape image - that is, a file or named pipe that will emulate a Reality tape device.
The parameters
and so on define the tape type where:1 = ½ inch tape (UNIX only)
2 = 8mm Exabyte tape
3 = ¼ inch (QIC) cartridge
4 = reserved
5 = DLT or 4mm (DAT) cartridge
8 = remote tape device
9 = tape imageThe default tape type depends on your host type.
These settings can be overridden by using the T-DEVICE TCL command.
Remote Tape Device Definitions
A remote tape device definition must have the following format:
host is the DNS name or TCP/IP address of the remote host. This can be any UNIX or Windows host that supports Reality (Reality does not need to be installed) and must be accessible via a TCP/IP LAN. It must also be running the Reality Remote Tape Server - this can be installed from the Reality CD (for details, refer to the Reality External Components Installation Guide).
port is an optional port number to be used on the remote machine - default: 52001.
devicePath is the full path to the device on the remote host. Note that the device path must include any modifier required by the remote host (for example, no rewind, density).
type is the Reality tape type number of the drive on the remote machine.
flags Optional Reality Remote Tape specific flags:
A Asynchronous mode (default).
S Synchronous mode.
Data Encryption
If required, you can specify that the data you save should be encrypted by Reality, by appending :kencryptionKey to the tape device definition. encryptionKey is the item-id of an encryption key item in the REK file. For example:
encrypts the data in the tape image file /user1/daveh/image.rti using the encryption key item MYENCKEY.
The block size used with encrypted tape devices must be a multiple of 8.
When restoring data that was saved using an encrypted tape drive, you must first load the source database's REK file (see LOAD-REK) and create an encrypted drive using the encryption key that was used when saving the data.
An encryption key cannot be appended to the remote tape path in a remote tape definition. Encryption can only be applied at the client end, so the encryption key should be applied to the complete remote tape path. For example:
could be used, while
could not be used.
Tape Images
A tape image is an ordinary file or named pipe that is used to emulate a Reality tape device. This provides a method of saving Reality data to disk. Any file name may be used, but it is recommended that the .rti extension is used so that tape images can be easily identified. For compressed images, you could use the extension .rci.
Data Compression
If required, you can specify that the data in a tape image should be compressed, by appending :c{level} to the file name, where level is the required compression level. The compression level must be a number from 0 to 9, where 0 is no compression and 9 is maximum compression. The level parameter is optional; if omitted, compression level 2 is used. The recommended compression level, optimising compression and performance, is 2.
For example,
sets the compression level to 8 for the file
The CompressTapeImage parameter sets the default compression level for the database.
For remote tape definitions, you can specify that compression should be performed remotely, by appending the compression level to the remote file name, or locally by appending it to the complete tape definition. For example:
compresses the data once it is received by the remote host, while
compresses the data before transmission to the remote host.
If encryption and compression are being applied, they should both be applied at the client end. For example:
This will make the Reality client compress the data first, and then encrypt it, producing better compression of the encrypted data.
File Size Limit
If necessary, you can specify a maximum size for your tape image file. When the maximum size is reached, a new file is started, thus dividing the tape image into multiple files. This might be necessary if:
The host file system has a maximum file size; for example, Windows FAT file system, which has a maximum file size of 2 Gigabytes.
The files will be archived on a medium with a limited capacity; for example, CDROM, which has a maximum capacity of 650 Megabytes.
The use of multiple tape images is transparent to the Reality tape commands (see Tape Operation and Commands).
To specify a maximum file size, appending :ssize
to the filename, where size is the required maximum size. You can
specify size in bytes or, by appending the appropriate suffix (K,
M or G), in Kilobytes, Megabtyes
or Gigabytes. For example,
sets the maximum size to 650 Megabytes for the
file filsave.rti.
When you specify a maximum file size, the file name is used as a template for a series of names, as follows:
If your file name includes one or more question marks (?), these are replaced by a sequence number. For example, if you specify C:\temp\img??.rti, the file names used will be
etc. -
If your file name does not include any question marks, the first file will use the name you have specified, and subsequent files will have sequence numbers appended to this file name. For example, if you specify C:\temp\img.rti, the file names used will be
The configuration used when the image is created must be the same configuration that is used when the image is read back.
Tape Images on Windows
On Windows, tape images should preferably be saved on a local hard drive on the Reality host. If you need to save to a remote host, there are two methods you can use:
The preferred method is to use remote tape. You must install the Remote Tape Server on the remote host.
Alternatively, you can save to a Windows network share. However, this can normally only be done when running Reality from the command prompt. For it to work for remotely connected Reality users, the share must be configured as follows:
Log in to Reality using telnet (for example, use RealLink for Windows or the Windows telnet command).
Use the SYS TCL command to obtain a Windows command prompt.
Use the Net use command to create a networked drive for the remote share (see Windows help for
details). For example, to map the share \\financial\letters to drive E:, enter:net use e: \\financial\letters /persistent:yes
Note the inclusion of the persistent option; this specifies that the drive should be reconnected at logon - that is, whenever a user logs on remotely.
Typical Configuration
The following shows a typical tape configuration entry for a Solaris host with a 4mm DAT drive, 2 x 8mm Exabyte drives, and a pointer to a remote 8mm tape drive on a host called shadowfax:
A number of example configuration file entries are given below.
½ Inch Tape
Tape1:800=/dev/rmt/0lbn Tape1:1600=/dev/rmt/0mbn Tape1:3200=/dev/rmt/0hbn # Actually 6250 Tape1:6250=/dev/rmt/0cbn # Compressed mode if supported TapeDevType1=1
8mm (Exabyte)
Tape1:800=/dev/rmt/0lbn # 2 Gbyte format Tape1:1600=/dev/rmt/0mbn # 5 Gbyte format Tape1:3200=/dev/rmt/0hbn # 5 Gbyte compressed Tape1:6250=/dev/rmt/0cbn # 5 Gbyte compressed TapeDevType1=2
The mapping of ½ inch densities to 8mm densities is arbitrary and customer definable.
4mm (DAT)
Tape1:800=/dev/rmt/0lbn # Standard format Tape1:1600=/dev/rmt/0mbn # Compressed Tape1:3200=/dev/rmt/0mbn # Compressed Tape1:6250=/dev/rmt/0mbn # Compressed TapeDevType1=5
The mapping of ½ inch densities to 4mm densities is arbitrary and customer definable.
Tape1:800=/dev/rmt/0lbn # low density Tape1:1600=/dev/rmt/0mbn # low density compressed Tape1:3200=/dev/rmt/0hbn # high density Tape1:6250=/dev/rmt/0ubn # high density compressed TapeDevType1=5Notes:
- The mapping of ½ inch densities to DLT densities is arbitrary and customer definable.
- Actual capacities depend on the cartridge type used.
Tape1=/dev/rmt/0mbn TapeDevType1=3
- To specify the values for low and high density, use the UNIX smit utility.
- For more details about tape configuration on AIX, refer to the man page for rmt.
½ Inch Tape
Tape1:800=/dev/rmt.5 # low density, no re-tension on open, no rewind on close
Tape1:1600=/dev/rmt.1 # high density, no re-tension on open, no rewind on close
Tape1:3200=/dev/rmt.1 # high density, no re-tension on open, no rewind on close
Tape1:6250=/dev/rmt.1 # high density, no re-tension on open, no rewind on close
8mm (Exabyte), DLT and 4mm (DAT) are similar. Note that the mapping of ½ inch densities to 8mm, DLT and DAT densities is arbitrary and customer definable.
Tape1=/dev/rmt/0mbn TapeDevType1=3
4mm (DAT)
Tape1:800=/dev/nst0 Tape1:1600=/dev/nst0l Tape1:3200=/dev/nst0m Tape1:6250=/dev/nst0la TapeDevType1=5
The mapping of ½ inch densities to 4mm densities is arbitrary and customer definable.
TapeNum=4 # Tape1:800=\\.\TAPE0 # Uncompressed Tape1:1600=\\.\TAPE0c # Compressed Tape1:3200=\\.\TAPE0c # Compressed Tape1:6250=\\.\TAPE0c # Compressed TapeDevType1=5 # As appropriate # Tape2= shadowfax;/dev/rmt/1mbn;2 # Remote tape TapeDevType2=8 # Tape3=c:\daveh\image.rti:c2:s650M # Compressed tape image, max. size 650 Mbytes TapeDevType3=9 # Tape4=%REALTAPE% TapeDevType4=9
Defines tape unit 1 as a 4mm (DAT) device with various tape densities and tape unit 2 as the 8mm (type 2) device on the shadowfax host. Tapes 3 and 4 are defined as tape images.
indicates that compression is used, if available. -
The mapping of ½ inch densities to 8mm densities is arbitrary and customer definable.
Reality tape numbers start at 1; Windows tape numbers start at 0.
TapeDevType 3 uses fixed size 512 byte blocks.
The REALTAPE syntax allow you to specify a tape image file by using an environment variable. This usage has largely been superseded by the use of T-DEVICE.
Remote Tape
Tape1= shadowfax;/dev/rmt/1mbn;2 TapeDevType1=8 # Tape2= shadowfax;/users/pauls/image.rti;9:kKEY1 # Encrypted data in remote tape image. TapeDevType2=8
Defines tape unit 1 as the 8mm (type 2) device on the shadowfax host.
Tape Image
Tape1=/user1/daveh/image.rti TapeDevType1=9 # Tape2=$REALTAPE TapeDevType2=9 # Tape3=/users/pauls/image.rti:c2:kKEY1 # Data compressed and encrypted. TapeDevType3=9
The REALTAPE syntax enables the image file to be specified by an environment variable. This usage has largely been superseded by the use of T-DEVICE.