T-DUMP dumps all or selected items in a specified file to magnetic tape. Items are dumped in the order found on file unless sort criteria are specified. It also dumps binary objects for re-loading by T-LOAD.
ST-DUMP works like T-DUMP but sorts the data into ascending order of item-id before dumping to tape.
Command class
English command.
Both commands execute on the default channel only.
Neither T-DUMP and ST-DUMP perform tape-to-tape operations - instead you must use T-COPY.
Items saved using T-DUMP do not include date or time stamps.
ST-DUMP has a similar syntax.
Syntax elements
The following paragraphs briefly describe the syntax elements shown. For more information on English syntax elements, refer to Sentence Structure in the English Reference.
file-specifier Specifies the file to dump.
DICT is the only file modifier that can used when specifying a
file for
item-list A list of the item-ids, delimited by single quotes, to dump to tape. If omitted, all items are considered for output.
The item-list can be supplied by an immediately preceding list-generating command.
selection-criteria Conditions that must be
met by an item for it to be considered for output. If omitted, items specified
USING file-specifier
specifies the file to be used as the source of definition items if different
from the first file named.
sort-criteria specifies order
of output. This comprises sort modifiers such as BY or
macro-call is the name of a macro definition item in the currently active dictionary.
HEADING label-text
allows you to generate tape label identification. The tape label text must be
enclosed in double quotes. See Tape Label.
I Lists item-ids as they are dumped.
P Sends item list to the printer instead of the terminal. Only valid with the I option.
R Suppresses Item not on
T Inhibits writing of the tape label (use of this option is not recommended).
Before using T-DUMP or ST-DUMP, you must attach the required tape units to the port using the default channel.
To perform tape-to-tape operations use T-COPY.
Encrypted data is decrypted before being saved to tape. If you want the data on the tape to be encrypted, you must use an encrypted tape device (see Tape Definitions and T-DEVICE).
Tape Label
If the tape device assignment specifies tape label type 1 or 2, T-DUMP and ST-DUMP write a tape label at the beginning of each tape file, unless you specifically suppress it with the T option.
If you omit label-text from the HEADING modifier, the command writes file-name as the label. Only the first 44, 42 or 16 characters are written as the label, depending on label type selected. For further information, refer to the topic Tape Labels.
If a T-DUMP or ST-DUMP is performed on a tape which has no label (type 0), the following message is displayed:
T-DUMP TEST > '522'
Dumps to tape all items in the file TEST with item-ids greater than 522.
Dumps to tape all items in the dictionary of file TEST, sorted by item-id.
T-DUMP TEST '148''249''376''595' WITH QTY >"9" AND < "21" (I
Dumps to tape those items with the specified item-ids that have a QTY attribute between 10 and 20 inclusive. Also lists item-ids of dumped items to the terminal.