Copies data from one tape to another.
Command Class
TCL-I command.
T-COPY channelA channelB {numberOfFiles} {(option}
Syntax Elements
channelA A channel assignment, previously made using ASSIGN, that specifies the tape unit(s) containing the tape(s) to be copied.
channelB A channel assignment, previously made using ASSIGN, that specifies tape unit(s) containing the tape(s) to which to copy.
numberOfFiles The number of files to copy. If not specified, the system copies all files up to two consecutive EOF marks. If the tape does not contain two consecutive EOFs, an unrecoverable parity error may appear in the first record following the actual data. You need not be concerned with this error message. You can terminate the copy at this point.
F Causes consecutive save tape reels to be labelled.
To use T-COPY, you must have two tape channels configured on your port.
The number of reels in the copy does not necessarily match the number of reels in the original.
If the original tape is labelled, the copy is also labelled. The time and date in the label of the copy is the time and date the copy was made, not the time and date the original was made. If the original tape is not labelled, the copy is not labelled.
All files are copied from channel A to channel B. Consecutive tape reels are not labelled.
Three files are copied from channel A to channel B.