Status Conditions and Values

This topic lists the status conditions which may be displayed by SP-STATUS or SP-JOBS for a particular print job, formqueue or Despooler. Status values are those which appear in the Status attribute in PRINT.JOB.CONTROL, FORM.QUEUES and DESPOOLER.CONTROL definition items (see Spooler File Formats). They are then converted by English to display the associated status condition.

Status Conditions

Condition Description
Active A print job is currently writing to the output device.
Active Des A form queue has been assigned one or more active Despoolers.

The A option has been assigned to the current print job with an SP-ASSIGN command. This suspends the form queue or Despooler, giving you time to align or change paper in the printer.

To reactivate the form queue or Despooler, use SP-JOBS action code 13, ALIGN PRINTER or the SP-ALIGN command.

Aligning The system is in the process of aligning the printer.
Assigned A Despooler has been assigned to the form queue.
Controller N/Rdy The device controller is not ready.
Closed The print job is closed but the system cannot queue the print job.
Ed (process) The print job is being edited by process process.
Finish The print job has been output, but was assigned the H option with an SP-ASSIGN statement.
Hold The print job was assigned the HS options with an SP-ASSIGN statement and has not yet been printed.
Idle The Despooler has no work.
Killed The print job currently writing has been stopped and deleted from the form queue with SP-JOBS action code 5, DELETE JOB, the SP-DELETE command, SP-JOBS action code 12, KILL PRINTING, or the SP-KILL command.
Killing The system is in the process of killing a job.
Logging off The Despooler process is attempting to log off.
Next reel The drive needs another recording medium.
No Act Des A form queue has an associated Despooler, but the Despooler has not been started.
No Despool No Despooler has been assigned to a form queue.
No Process A process has not been assigned to a Despooler.
No Status  
No W/ring The tape recording medium is not set for writing.
Node N/C The connection from the P-LAN to the node is not complete.
Node N/Rdy The node is not ready.
Offline The output device is offline.
Open The print job is being created by a process.
Parity The tape recording medium has a parity error.
Print The print job is currently printing.
PTR N/C The printer is not connected.
Queued The print job is queued for output but either is not the current print job or is waiting for the output device.
Startup A Despooler is initializing a process but is not yet able to print jobs.
Stop The print job has been stopped with SP-STATUS action code 10, STOP DESPOOLER, or the STOP-DESPOOLER command.
Stopped SP-JOBS action code 6, STOP PRINTING or the SP-STOP command has been issued.
Suspend The current print job has been suspended with SP-JOBS action code 9, SUSPEND PRINT or the SP-SUSPEND command.
Suspended The current print job has been suspended with SP-JOBS action code 9 SUSPEND PRINT or the SP-SUSPEND command.
Suspending The Despooler has received a command to suspend output but is handling output that cannot be suspended (for example, a prologue). The Despooler will suspend operation as soon as it can.
Tape N/Rdy The tape recording medium is not ready.
Wait The current print job has stopped printing for reasons other than the output device being offline.
Wait/align A job is ready to be aligned and is waiting for the operator to perform the aligning operation and respond with SP-JOBS action code 13 ALIGN PRINTER or the SP-ALIGN command.

Status Values in Numeric Order

Value Condition Value Condition
1 Open 23 Offline
2 Hold 24 Suspended
3 Finish 25 Stopped
4 Closed 26 Aligning
5 Queued 27 Wait/align
6 Stop 28 Suspending
7 Print 29 Killing
8 Align 30 Idle
9 Suspended 31 Reserved
10 Wait 32 Failed
11 Killed 33 No process
12 Offline 34 No status
13 Assigned 35 No Despooler
14 Active 36 No Act Desp
15 Startup 37 Active Despooler(s)
16 Node N/C 38 Unknown
17 Node N/Rdy 39 Parity
18 PTR N/C 40 Tape N/Rdy
19 Ctlr N/Rdy 41 No w/ring
20 Logging off 42 Next reel
21 Reserved 43 - 49 Reserved
22 Reserved