Action Code 6 Stop Printing and SP-STOP

Used to stop:


Job (J), Despooler (D), or Queue>

TCL syntax

SP-STOP {job-file} job-id (J{F}

SP-STOP despooler-name (D

SP-STOP queue-name

Prompt/Syntax elements

queue-name (Queue)
is the name of the formqueue from which printing is to be stopped.

despooler-name (Despooler - D)
is the name of the Despooler you wish to stop.

job-id (Job - J) is the name of the print job you wish to stop.

job-file specifies the job file to be used for the duration of the command execution. If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.


D Defines the preceding parameter to be a Despooler name.

F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file.

J Defines the preceding parameter to be a job name.

If no option is specified, the action is executed by formqueue.

Specified job file

Only job-ids of print jobs in the currently specified job file are recognised and stopped from printing. The specified job file must be local.

You can specify job-file in the TCL command statement and at the SP-JOBS action code prompt. At the Job (J) prompt you enter the new specified job file name using the same syntax as at TCL, that is:

job-file job-id (JF

Restarting printing

To restart the stopped print job, Despooler, or formqueue, use SP-JOBS Action Code 7 or SP-RESUME .

Stopping a job

When stopping a print job, the print jobs in the formqueue continue to print until the specified job is encountered at which point the Despooler stops.


Stopping a Job

To stop the print job ADMIN12, before it prints, enter:


Or alternatively, enter:


and select Action Code 6 on the Print Jobs screen.

At the next prompt, enter the job-id, as follows:

Job (J), Despooler (D), or Queue> ADMIN12 (J

In this example, the job ADMIN12 must be in the currently specified job file. If it is not but it is in the job file ADMIN.JOBS, then you must enter:



enter the specified job file name at the action code prompt, as follows:

Job (J), Despooler (D), or Queue> ADMIN.JOBS ADMIN12 (JF

Stopping a Despooler

To stop the Despooler PTR12 after it finishes despooling the current job, enter:


Or alternatively, enter:


and select Action Code 6 on the Print Jobs screen.

At the next prompt, enter the Despooler name , as follows:

Job (J), Despooler (D), or Queue> PTR12 (D

The Despooler PTR12 stops at the end of the job it is currently printing.

Stopping a Formqueue

To stop the formqueue STANDARD after the current print job has finished printing, enter:


Or alternatively, enter:


and select Action Code 6 on the Print Jobs screen.

At the next prompt, enter the formqueue name , as follows:

Job (J), Despooler (D), or Queue> STANDARD

The Despooler assigned to formqueue STANDARD stops at the end of the job it is currently printing.