Spooler File Formats
This topic describes the format of items in the PRINT.JOB.CONTROL file, FORM.QUEUES file and DESPOOLER.CONTROL file.
Job-id of the job. If the name is not unique when entered, the Spooler suffixes it with a four-digit number. The Spooler assigns unpadded numbers to unnamed jobs.
001 Item-id of current form queue for this job.
002 PLId of originator.
003 Originating database name.
004 User-id of originator.
005 Name of the account the job was created on.
006 Creation time (internal format).
007 Creation date (internal format).
008 Number of copies requested at print time.
009 Item-id of the Despooler that is outputting or has output the job.
010 Current number of bytes in job. The system updates this field every 20,000 bytes.
011 Number of bytes of data that has been printed. The system updates this field every 20,000 bytes, but the field contains the exact value when the job is suspended. The field is cleared when printing is complete.
012 Job options (HS, S, H, A, and so forth).
013 Name of the account that the job file is in.
014 Name of the job file, that is, the file where the print data is stored. This is the D-pointer name of the data section.
015 Number of the copy currently being printed. The system resets this field to zero when printing is complete.
016 Total number of copies that has been printed or started.
017 Free format description of the job (maximum of 100 bytes).
018 Port number of job originator.
019 Reserved.
020 Port number of the process that is currently editing the print job. A value of -1 indicates the job is not being edited.
021 Current output status (see Status Conditions and Values for meaning of values).
022 Current job status (see Status Conditions and Values for meaning of values).
023 Print job id allocated by the system.
024 User-id of creator (same as attribute 4, except for remote spooling, when the user-id assigned to the local server is shown.).
025 PLId of creator (same as attribute 2, except for remote spooling, when the PLId assigned to the local server is shown.).
Form queue name.
001 Type of form queue:
1 = public
2 = private
002 Names of Despoolers assigned to this queue (multivalued field).
003 User-id of the queue creator.
004 Creation time (internal format).
005 Creation date (internal format).
006 Port number of queue creator.
007 Current queue status (see Status Conditions and Values for meaning of values).
008 Free format description of the queue.
009 Number (0-10) of pages to skip when printing ends.
010 Reserved.
011 Item-id of prologue in PCS.OUTPUT file.
012 Item-id of epilogue in PCS.OUTPUT file.
013 Name of a cataloged DataBasic program or a Proc.
014 Banner printing (Y/N).
015 Tape block size (512, 8192, and so forth).
016 Tape density (1600, 3200, and so forth).
017 Tape label type:
0 = no label.
1 = fifty-byte label.
2 = SMA label.
018 Q-pointer name of the file in which a private form queue resides; null for a public queue.
019 Name of the account that the private queue file is in; null for a public queue.
020 D-pointer name of the file in which a private form queue resides; null for a public queue.
021 Default job file name. If the user does not specify a file name in the SP-ASSIGN command, the system uses this file to store the print data.
022 Printer page width (10-1000). This specifies the same effect as parameter g of the TERM command.
023 Printer page length. This specifies the same effect as parameter h of the TERM command.
024 Printer line skip at top of page. This specifies the same effect as parameter j of the TERM command.
025 Job-ids of jobs that have been queued for output (multivalued field).
Despooler name.
001 Type of device:
PTR = private printer, port or network printer
TAPE = tape
FILE = file
SYS = System printer
0 = unspecified
002 Depends on the contents of attribute 1, as follows:
PTR The item-id in NETDEVS file or printer interface and device pathname.
TAPE The tape number.
FILE The account from which the despooler was created, a value mark, then the file name.
SYS The printer name.
This field can be null.
003 Reserved.
004 Process number of the Despooler once the Despooler has been started.
005 Item-id of a printer independence item in file PRINTER or null.
006 Translation table number or null.
007 Item-id of prologue in PCS.OUTPUT file (executed at Despooler start-up time) or null.
008 Device status (see Status Conditions and Values for meaning of values).
009 Free format description of the device.
010 Free format description of device location.
011 Item-ids of the form queues assigned to this Despooler (multivalued field with corresponding priorities in attribute 12) or null.
012 Priorities (1 = highest; 9 = lowest) of the form queues (multi-values corresponding to item-ids in attribute 11) or null.
013 Item-id of the job currently being processed or null.
014 List of print job ids despooled and currently waiting in the system spooler queue to print.
015 Printer Hold Time for network printer (UNIX system only).
016 Despooler Sleep Time for network printer (UNIX system only).
017 Last error code reported resulting from a Despooler failure (UNIX system only).