
Creates, deletes and updates isolated instances of Reality.


realclone -[c || d || {p}u]instance


instance A single digit in the range 1 to 9 that identifies the required instance of the current version of Reality (selected using realroot).


-c Creates a new instance of Reality and gives it the specified instance number. The Reality configuration is modified so that this new instance will be activated automatically on system startup.

-d Deletes the specified instance of Reality.


Use realbind to move any databases associated with the deleted instance to another instance. Databases that are not associated with any existing instance cannot be used.

-{p}uUpdates the specified instance to match the base version of the Reality software where all the files are copied regardless of the timestamp, rather than just the new files. The p option ensures that any files that are no longer present in the base version are deleted from the instance.


realclone should only be run by the super user (UNIX) or Administrator (Windows).

The base instance of the Reality software must be selected when running realclone (use realroot to change to the base instance).

Before using realclone, check that you have sufficient disk space in the root directory (roughly 120 MB for each instance).


When you create a new instance of Reality, a new directory is created, in the base instance's parent directory, with the same name as the base instance, but with an underscore and the instance number appended. For example, if the current version of the Reality were V12.0, the directory containing the Reality V12.0 software would be $REALROOT/12.0. If you create instance number 1 of this, as follows:

realclone -c1

the directory $REALROOT/12.0_1 is created and the files needed by a working version of Reality (that is, the subdirectories bin, devbin, files and var, and their contents) are copied into it from $REALROOT/12.0.

Reality instance directory in realman

Before the new instance can be used, one or more databases must be associated with it (either by creating new databases with mkdbase, or by using realbind to change the instance associations of existing databases.

The Reality host utilities will always operate on the active instance. To use a particular instance, therefore, users must make it active; this is done by running realroot to set their environment to the required instance.


realclone -c3

Creates instance number 3 of the current version of Reality.

realclone -pu3

Updates the Reality software for instance number 3 to match that of the base version.

realclone -d3

Deletes instance number 3 of the current version of Reality. This can only be done if there are no databases associated with the instance.