
Associates a database with an instance of Reality.


realbind -b databaseName {release | path} instance

realbind -u databaseName


databaseName The name of the database.

release The version number of the required Reality release (without the initial letter). For example, to select Reality V15.1, specify 15.1.

path The path to the required Reality release. For example, to select Reality V15.1 on a Windows host, you might specify c:\realman\15.1.

instance A single digit in the range 1 to 9 that identifies the required additional instance of the current version of Reality (selected using realroot). Note that you cannot specify the base instance - to associate a database with the base instance use the -u option.

If no release or path is specified, the currently selected release is used (see realroot).


-b Specifies that the database should be associated with the specified instance (and release) of Reality.

-u Removes the association between the database and the instance of Reality.


realbind should only be run by the database owner.

If a database is associated with a instance of Reality, it can only be accessed when that instance is selected (see realroot).

When moving a database to a newer version, you must run SYS-UPDATE before allowing users to log on.


If you need to move a database to an older version of Reality, contact your NEC Software Solutions representative.

You cannot move a database to a different instance of Reality if Transaction Logging is in use on that database. If you need to do this, first stop Transaction Logging and then use realbind to move the database to the required Reality instance. Then restart Transaction Logging.


If you move a FailSafe database to a different Reality instance, you will have to reconfigure FailSafe on that database.


realbind modifies the appropriate database entry in the ROUTE-FILE (UNIX) or the registry (Windows) to specify the REALROOT path corresponding to the specified Reality instance. Users who connect to the database via the network will automatically use the correct Reality instance.

If you need to log on locally to the database, you must first select the correct Reality release and instance with the realroot command. The Reality host utilities operate on the selected release and instance.


realbind -b ACCOUNTS 3

Associates the ACCOUNTS database with instance 3 of the currently selected version of Reality.

realbind -b dbase3 15.1 1

Associates database dbase3 with instance 1 of Reality V15.1.

realbind -u ACCOUNTS

Re-associates the ACCOUNTS database with the base instance of the currently selected version of Reality.