
Starts up a Reality user environment.


reality {-hUvs} {-t portNumber} {database} {user-id} {account}

reality {-h} {-t portNumber} {-u user-id} {-d database} {-c command} {-a account}


reality is the primary executable of the Reality software which starts up and maintains a Reality user environment on a specified database. It enables a user to logon to a particular account on the database under a specified user-id.

On entering the database, reality registers the logged on user-id as being connected to the database. The user then has access to a group of files and a set of commands defined for the account logged to.

Refer to Introduction to Reality for an overview of the Reality environment.

Options are available which provide different methods of accessing the database. Some options, namely -d, -u and -a, enable a user to logon directly to the database under the specified user-id and account. The -U option, on the other hand, only takes the user to the Reality user-id prompt of the specified database. The -c option is used to perform a single-shot TCL operation in the Reality environment, then exit to the host command prompt or pipe the output to another host process.

If you are using Database Isolation, you must use realroot to select required instance of Reality before running the reality command.


Three parameters are required by reality to determine the point at which a user enters the Reality environment. These are:

user-id The Reality user-id under which you wish to logon to the database. This is pre-defined for the database owner on a newly created database, but must be created for all other users. The default is the host user-id of the current user.

On UNIX, it is recommended that identical UNIX and Reality user-ids are defined for each user. This enables easier logon procedures. The Reality logon processor does not require password verification when the two user-ids are the same. Also, some operations, particularly remote logons, use the UNIX user-id regardless of the Reality user-id specified.

Password integration ensures that corresponding Reality and UNIX user-ids and passwords are identical. See the topic Password Integration.

database The identity of the database in the Reality environment to which you wish to logon. This can be the host path-name of the database (absolute or relative), or the system name of the database's entry in the ROUTE-FILEClosed /etc/ROUTE-FILE is a file on a UNIX host containing items that control the routing a particular process will take through a network. Routing control includes destination system names, network addresses, etc. On Windows hosts, this information is held in the Registry. For Reality external components that use the PC Standard Network Interface for Windows (PCSNI), routing information is held in a file called winsni.ini in the Windows folder. . If omitted, you will connect to the default databaseClosed The database to which you connect when you run the reality command without specifying a database. (See the description of the reality command.) On UNIX, the default database is specified using the REALDBASE environment variable. On Windows, the default database is specified using the netadmin utility. .

account The account on the database to which you wish to logon. A default account can be defined in the Reality environment for each user.

These parameters override any settings made using host environment variables.


The following options can be placed after the realitycommand in any order:

-a accountLog on to the named account on the specified database.

-d databaseEnter the named database within the Reality environment.

-c TCLcommandExecute TCLcommand as a single shot in the Reality environment, then return to the UNIX shell or Windows command prompt.

-C TCLcommandExecute TCLcommand as a single shot in Reality, suppressing the running of the Account Logon Program, unless an 'R' is specified in attribute 9 of the account definition item.

-h Suppress the logon/logoff messages.

-L Suppress the running of the Account Logon Program, unless an 'R' is specified in attribute 9 of the account definition item.

To use this option, you must first set the SkipLogonProc database configuration parameter.

-s Force access to a secondary database in a FailSafe configuration. Without the -s option, reality will fail to access the secondary database.

-t portNumberSpecifies that the reality session should use a port number specified in the devices file with the OPEN keyword.

If the specified port is the base of a range defined using the RANGE keyword, reality will use the next free port in the range. Note, however, that this functionality must be enabled by setting the PortRange database configuration parameter.

-u user-idLog on to the database under the specified Reality user-id.

-U Suppress the default user-id and go to the 'Logon Please' prompt of the specified database. Any account defaults are then ignored.


On UNIX, the -u and -U options are not available when the database is enabled for password integration.

-v Report the current live version of Reality. All other parameters are ignored. The version information is printed and the reality command exits.

Network Connection (Windows)

When logging on to a database via a TCP network, the Reality session manager prompts with:

Login please:

At this point, enter a database user-id. The session manager then starts a new reality process using the 'Reality User' user-id on Windows.


'Reality User' cannot be used to access the Windows system other than by the Reality communications software, as the associated password is not available to users.

You can also use the following extended syntax when logging in.

user-id{@database} {hostEnvVar=value} {options}


For example:

daveh@dbase -h -a FINANCE

Logs on to the FINANCE account in database dbase with the user-id daveh. The Reality logon and logoff messages are suppressed by the -h option.



On Windows, the following examples can be executed from the Command Prompt on the console, or in scripts written to run on the server.

The first two examples illustrate the use of the full syntax of the reality command.

reality dbase daveh SYSPROG

Logs on to SYSPROG account in the database dbase under the user-id daveh. Note that the parameters must be entered in the correct order.

reality -h -u daveh -d dbase -a FINANCE

Logs on to the FINANCE account in database dbase under the user-id daveh. This time the Reality logon and logoff messages are suppressed by the -h option. Note also that the order of the parameters is not important, as they are identified by the -u, -d and -a options.

The following examples assume that you have set up the following defaults: database, /usr/daveh/dbase; default user, daveh: default account, PERSONNEL.


Logs on to the PERSONNEL account in the default database, dbase, under the default user-id, daveh.

reality -a SYSPROG

Logs on to the account SYSPROG under the default user-id, daveh, on the default database, dbase. The command line parameter SYSPROG overrides the default account.

reality -u sam

Logs on to the default account, PERSONNEL, on the default database, dbase, under the user-id sam. The command line parameter sam overrides the default user-id.

reality -u sam -d dbase1

Logs on to the default account, PERSONNEL, on database dbase1 under the user-id sam. dbase1 must have a user-id sam and an account PERSONNEL, or the system will return the message Invalid logon attempt.

reality -U dbase

Displays the user-id prompt for dbase at the Logon Please prompt. The -U option suppresses the default user-id. You must then enter the Reality user-id and password, if required.

reality dbase1

Logs on to the default account, PERSONNEL, in database dbase1 under the default user-id, daveh. Note that the argument dbase1 in the shell command line overrides the default database, dbase, but this will only work if you have a user-id daveh and an account PERSONNEL on dbase1. If not, the system returns the message Invalid logon attempt, and you are only able to enter dbase1 by either specifying all arguments or by using the -U option.

reality -v

A typical report is as follows:

reality V9.0.0.4
Built 23 May 01 11:01:28 [make_real (23.5)]
with no rpqs
with no overlays
with the following fixes :
fix_1001 (84225)

In this example, the version is V9.0.0.4 is installed.

The final example below illustrates the logging on to a newly created database dbase2 by the database owner (System Manager) daveh. No REALDBASE, REALUSER or REALACC definitions exist. Enter:

reality dbase2

This logs on to SYSMAN account in the database dbase2 under the user-id daveh. realitydefaults to the host user-id daveh which does not require password verification. Also a user profile for the database owner with the default account SYSMAN already exists on a newly created database.