File Transfer

This topic describes the Simple File Transfer (SFT) utility. This allows you to transfer files between UNIX systems, and also between UNIX and Reality. It can also be used to create and delete files on remote systems.


The Simple File Transfer (SFT) utility is a UNIX program that allows you to copy data to and from remote UNIX and Reality files. It can also be used to create and delete files in the remote environment.


  • Support for Simple File Transfer is platform dependent; refer to the Release Information for details.

  • SFT cannot be used to copy files to and from the SovereignX environment. You can use the SovereignX COPY command to copy files to and from local and remote UNIX environments.

  • You can also use Network File Transfer (NFT) to transfer files between the Series 18/19 and UNIX environments - see the Network File Transfer User Guide for details.

You start SFT by entering sft  at the UNIX $  prompt. You can then use any of the following commands:

! Allows execution of UNIX commands from within SFT.

connect Establishes a connection to a remote environment.

create-file Creates a Reality file or a UNIX directory.

delete-file Deletes a Reality file or a UNIX directory.

delete-item Deletes a Reality item or a UNIX file.

disconnect Terminates the connection to the remote environment.

get Transfers data from a remote Reality or UNIX file to a local UNIX file.

help Provides help on using SFT.

put Transfers data from a local UNIX file to a remote Reality or UNIX file.

quit Terminates SFT.

set Sets the value of file transfer options.

status Displays the status of the connection and option settings.

The SFT commands can be entered in either upper or lower case. They can also be entered in full or abbreviated – abbreviated commands require the minimum number of characters for unique identification; for example, co  for connect, g  for get, delete-f  for delete-file.


You can also start SFT and connect to a remote environment in one operation.

Reality Filenames

Throughout this section, the term RealityFile can stand for any of the following:

UNIX Directory

Throughout this section, the term Directory can stand for any of the following:


UNIX wild card characters cannot be specified when using SFT.