set Command
The set command allows you to change the file transfer options, BINARY and OVERWRITE. See File Transfer Options.
set [ Option { Value } || * ]
Syntax Elements
Option must be either BINARY or OVERWRITE.
Value is the required value for the specified option; either ON or OFF. If Value is omitted, the option is reset to its default value (OFF).
* Resets both options to their default values (OFF).
By default, the BINARY and OVERWRITE options are both set to OFF.
Example 1
sft>set overwrite on
SFT STATUS DESTINATION System Name : SPI-20 User Id : PROG1 Account Name: TEST SETTINGS Binary : OFF Overwrite : ON sft>
Example 2
sft>set binary on
SFT STATUS DESTINATION System Name : SPI-20 User Id : PROG1 Account Name: TEST SETTINGS Binary : ON Overwrite : ON sft>
Example 3
sft>set *
SFT STATUS DESTINATION System Name : SPI-20 User Id : PROG1 Account Name: TEST SETTINGS Binary : OFF Overwrite : OFF sft>