delete-item Command
The delete-item command allows you to delete a remote Reality item or UNIX file, or all the items or files in a specified Reality file or UNIX directory as appropriate.
delete-item RealityFile [ ItemId || * ]
- or -
delete-item Directory [ UnixFile || * ]
Syntax Elements
RealityFile The name of the Reality file containing the item to be deleted.
ItemId The name of the Reality item to be deleted.
Directory The name of the UNIX directory.
UnixFile The name of the UNIX file to be deleted.
You must leave a space between the UNIX directory and file name.
* Specifies that all items or files (as appropriate) are to be deleted.
You cannot use UNIX wild-card characters in the Directory or UnixFile parameters.
delete-item can only be used if a connection has already been established using the connect command.
sft>delete-item TEST ITEM01
deletes the item ITEM01 from the Reality file TEST.