Deletes selected items from a file based on an item-list or selection criteria.
EDELETE file-specifier [
Refer to Sentence Structure for descriptions of these parameters.
Special Options
C{n} Display running counters of the number of items selected and items processed. The counter display is refreshed after every n items processed (default 500) or after the total number of items if less than 500. For example, (C25) refreshes the display after every 25 items processed.
G{n} Completes once n items have been deleted (default 500), or the end of the file is reached, whichever occurs first.
I Lists item-ids selected.
You cannot use C and I options at the same time. If you specify both, the I option takes precedence.
EDELETE requires at least an item-list or selection criteria. The list can be provided by an immediately-preceding list generating command.
EDELETE deletes the specified items immediately. To ensure data integrity, it is recommended that a list be generated through a SELECT-type command and the list examined before the EDELETE processor is invoked. To clear a file of all items, use the CLEAR-FILE command.
EDELETE can be used to delete binary items such as cataloged DataBasic programs and index definition items (use DELETE-INDEX to delete the indexes created from the index definition items - see Indexing for more details).
EDELETE also allows you to delete D-pointers. You
should not do this, however, because the data associated with the D-pointer will
remain in the database but will no longer be accessible. The correct way to
delete a
See Also
DELETE command.
To illustrate the functions of EDELETE, the following examples assume the contents of inventory file PINV presented in Figure 4-1.
1 001 INSTALLATION AND PLANNING GUIDE 2.0 002 1004 003 771004B 004 PRINTED]COPY MASTER]DUMMY 005 1]1]1 2 001 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL 2.0 002 1005 003 771005A 004 PRINTED]COPY MASTER 005 1]1 3 001 EDITOR REFERENCE MANUAL 2.0 002 1006 003 761006B 004 PRINTED 005 1 4 001 PROC AND BATCH REFERENCE MANUAL 2.0 002 1007 003 761007A 004 PRINTED 005 1 5 001 ENGLISH REFERENCE MANUAL 2.0 002 1008 003 761008A 004 PRINTED]COPY MASTER 005 2]1
To delete items based on an explicit item-list, enter
To delete items based on an explicit item-list with a selection criteria clause, enter
In the first example, items 2 and 4 are automatically deleted. In the second example, only item number 4 is deleted because the number in attribute 3 (761007A) passes the test specified by the selection criterion.
In the following example, just a selection criterion is used. All items in the file are tested for compliance with the criterion shown and those items (3, 4, and 5) are deleted.