Deletes one or more items from a file. The EDELETE command, which performs a similar function, but has English-like syntax, is described in the English Reference.

Command Class



DELETE file-specifier item-list

Syntax Elements

file-specifier is the file containing the items to be deleted.

item-list is one or more item-ids separated by spaces, a list produced by a list generating command, or an asterisk (*) to specify all items.


If you do not specify a file specifier, the command displays.

File to delete items from:

Enter the name of the file at this prompt, then an item-list. If you do not specify an item-list, the command displays:

Item to delete?

Enter the item-id or an asterisk. If you enter an item-id, the command redisplays the prompt. This continues until you press return only.


You cannot delete items from an encrypted file unless your security profile gives you access to the encryption key.


The DELETE command deletes items in the specified file. It does not delete the file. To delete a file, use the DELETE-FILE command.

The DELETE command cannot delete index definition items or binary items such as cataloged DataBasic programs. To delete these types of item, use EDELETE.

Example 1

'1' deleted.

Example 2

Item to delete ? AA 
'AA' deleted.
Item to delete ? RETURN