Summary of Debugger Commands
This section contains a brief description of the DataBasic debugger commands, organized by function.
The topics linked from and following this summary provide a complete description of each command in alphabetical order.
All commands except G, $, A, ?, ?M, L, LD, LP, P, END and OFF require SYS2 privileges.
Break points and trace tables
B Adds an entry to the break point table.
D Displays the current state of DataBasic debugger controls and options, as set by various debugger commands.
DCC Toggles the option that causes a forced break whenever descending to a child context.
DPC Toggles the option that causes a forced break whenever ascending to a parent context.
K Deletes (kills) breakpoint conditions from the breakpoint table.
T Toggles the display of the trace table or adds a new variable to be traced. The display is in character format.
U Deletes a variable from the trace table or deletes the entire table.
Execution control
E Specifies number of program lines to execute between execution breaks.
G Resumes normal program execution until another execution break occurs.
M Toggles the option that causes a break whenever a program calls or returns from an external subroutine.
MA Causes the debugger to be entered on all active statement lines in a named code module, by adding the module to the list of monitored modules. If a name is not specified, the current code module is assumed.
MD Removes monitoring for a named code module, or all code modules, by deleting them from the list of monitored modules. If a name is not specified, the current code module is assumed.
ME Causes the debugger to be entered on entry to the start of a named code module, by adding the module to the list of monitored modules. If a name is not specified, the current code module is assumed.
MO Causes the debugger to be entered on reaching the line that immediately follows the current call to another module; in other words, it steps over the call.
MOO turns off MO stepping over (and MX stepping out) operations.
MR Causes the debugger to be entered on (re-)entry to a named code module from any other module (that is, after a CALL or RETURN command) by adding the module to the list of monitored modules. If a name is not specified, the current code module is assumed.
MX Causes the debugger to be entered immediately on returning from the current module to the calling module; in other words, it steps out of the current module.
MXO turns off MX stepping out (and MO stepping over) operations.
N Bypasses a specified number of breakpoints before returning to Debugger control.
@{*} Toggles whether DEBUG statements in the program cause an execution break.
WF{*} Toggles the option that treats warning messages as fatal errors.
WS Toggles the option that suppresses run-time warning messages.
Special commands
/ Displays or changes variables and arrays during program execution.
$ Displays the program name and the line about to be executed.
? Displays help pages.
?M Displays the name of the program module currently running.
A Displays the program name and the line about to be executed (synonym of $ command).
AT Displays Tandem status and enables, or disables, the current port for Tandem operation.
CP Toggles switch to enable or disable cursor positioning.
CS Displays the stack of PERFORM levels, their command, and data.
DE{BUG} Causes exit to the System debugger.
DUMP Generates a DEBUG dump item that contains all of the program variables, plus an optional user-specified message.
L Lists source code lines from the program currently executing.
LD Switches Debugger output to terminal, printer, or both.
LP Toggles current PRINTER ON/OFF functionality, causing selection of PRINT statement output to spooler/screen to be toggled.
P Suppresses all output from the DataBasic program to the terminal, so that only Debugger output is displayed.
PC Forces printing of any data that is waiting to be output.
S Displays the subroutine and external function return stack.
SL Similar to S, but in addition displays the current depth of the stack at each subroutine and external function.
V Set number of source code lines to be displayed at each entry to debug.
W Lists source code lines from the program currently executing.
X Displays or changes variables and arrays during program execution.
Z Specifies an alternative source file for the DataBasic program being debugged.
Exiting the debugger
END Terminates the program.
OFF Terminates the program and logs you off the system.