Displays the value of a variable in hexadecimal representation or lists all variables and their values. If you display the value of a single variable, you can change the value.


X [variable-name *]

Syntax element

variable-name the name of a simple variable, array or array element.

* specifies display the values of all the variables and arrays in the program.


The display is in ASCII hexadecimal character format. If you want the display in character format, refer to the / command.

If you specify a variable name, its current value is displayed followed by an equals sign (=). The = is a prompt for input of the value to set that variable to. If the input takes the form of a sequence of 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by spaces, the command converts these to ASCII text. Otherwise, the input is assumed to be ASCII text. Enclosing quote marks and a trailing space (if present) are ignored. Up to 2040 characters can be entered.

Specify * to see the values of all variables (without the option of changing them).

A blank must be present between X and variable-name.

This command is functionally equivalent to the / command preceded by the optional X, but with a space instead of the / character.