
Inhibits a break if a DEBUG statement is encountered.



Syntax elements

* Toggles the appropriate global DEBUG option (DB.DEBUG or EB.DEBUG), depending on whether the program being debugged was entered from the TCL prompt or was called from External Basic. Equivalent to setting or clearing the corresponding environment option.


Use SET-OPTION to set EB.DEBUG before starting to debug file triggers.

If this element is omitted, the effect of the @ command is limited to the program currently being debugged.


If a program contains one or more DEBUG statements and the program was run via the DEBUG command, an execution break occurs every time a DEBUG statement is encountered.

The @ command toggles the function of the DEBUG statement.

The words On and Off are printed next to the @ to indicate the current status of DEBUG statements.


*@  On

Indicates that any subsequent DEBUG statements will cause an execution break.

*@  Off

Indicates that any subsequent DEBUG statements will be ignored.