Web Service Licences

Reality Web Services are licensed according to the amount of data transferred in a rolling twenty-four hour period. When the licensed data limit is approached or exceeded, a System Alert is raised (see Service and System Events for details) and a message to that effect is added to the daemon log. Also, when the licensed data limit is exceeded, the data transfer is delayed and a daemon log message is generated. If this occurs frequently, you should consider upgrading your licence.


  • You can use Reality Web Services without a licence, but the data limit is very low.
  • An alert will only be raised if it is an hour or more since the last alert for the same usage level.

Allocating Licences to Databases

A Reality web service licence applies to a complete Reality installation. If you have more than one database, you must allocate a proportion of the transferred data to each database. If you do not do this, the first database to start will take all the licences and none will be available for any other databases. The licenses will not become available to another database until the first one closes down (see Database Daemon/Service).

You allocate licences to databases by creating a text file called service.cfg in the directory REALROOT/files. Each line in this file must have the following format:



7n002610 Is the Web Services licence software key number. n is the number of the Reality instance (0-9 - see Database Isolation).

DatabasePath Is the absolute path to the database.

Allocation Is the amount of data allocated to that database, expressed as either an absolute number of 1KByte data units or a percentage of the total. An asterisk specifies any data units not allocated to other databases.

For example, to allocate half the available data units to the database called pdbase, enter the following:



  • service.cfg can also contain blank lines and comments introduced by hash (#) symbols.
  • If the total amount of data specified in service.cfg exceeds the licensed data limit, the database allocations are reduced to keep within the limit and a message is logged in the daemon log for each database that has its allocation reduced. This will occur whenever service.cfg is changed (the message will be logged within 35 minutes of making the change), and whenever the central daemon (UNIX) or Reality service (Windows) is started.

Web Service Statistics

Web service statistics are logged in the WEBSERVICE data section of the file SERVICE-LOG in the SYSFILES account.