System Alerts

This facility provides various ways of informing operators of events that might need attention. Three ways of doing this are provided: by text messaging, by email and by appending the alert message to a web page; different operators can be notified by the same or different methods. Operators can be notified of daemon log messages at or above a specified level of seriousness, and of user-generated events.

You configure system alerts using the realevent host command. This allows you to specify the destinations of messages sent by the different notification methods and to set up any other parameters (such as the email server address). It is also possible to create user-defined alerts, to enable and disable the available alerts, and to specify particular days and times of the day when alert messages should be sent, and the recipients to whom they should be sent.

Reality service and system alerts are generated automatically by the system. However, you can also use realevent to define your own alerts for use within your applications. Once defined, a user-defined alert can be generated with realevent, or with the ALERT TCL command; this can be used in DataBasic programs and Procs, and can also be run from TCL for testing purposes. By embedding user-defined alerts in your applications, you can provide an operator with, for example, timely feedback on the progress of processes that take a long time to complete, and also with details of any errors that occur.


Alerts sent by text message must be emailed to an SMTP to SMS gateway, which will extract the text message and forward it to the recipient. To use text messaging, therefore, you will require a subscription to a suitable gateway.

Configuring System Alerts

The realevent host command allows you to configure system alerts. It allows you to:

Refer to the description of the realevent command for full details of these configuration options.

Raising System Alerts

Reality service and system alerts are generated automatically by the system. There are also two ways in which you can raise a system alert.