Connection Parameters
The Enter Section Details page in the RealWeb configuration utility allows you to create new connections, and modify and delete existing ones. The Resetbutton allows you to discard your changes and return to the previous settings.
- Section Name
Enter the name to be used in the
to access this database. This can be the same name as the database or some other name.Note
If you change the name of an existing connection, you will create a new one.
- Host
Enter the TCP/IP name of the host that holds the database.
- Port
Enter the port number to be used to access the host. This should not normally be changed.
- Database
Enter the database name as it appears in the ROUTE-FILE (UNIX) or the registry (Windows) on the given host.
- User
Enter the user name of the required RealWeb user on the Reality database. For secure connections this must be left blank (in this case the user-id should be passed in as parameter __user - see Login Page for details).
Refer to Setting up RealWeb Users and Accounts for details of how to set up a RealWeb user.
- User Password
Enter the password for this user if required. For secure connections this must be left blank (in this case the password should be passed in as parameter __userpwd - see Login Page for details).
- Account
Enter the Reality database account to be used. For secure connections this may be left blank (in this case the account should be passed in as parameter __account - see Login Page for details). Note that it is valid to have a predefined account even when using a secure user-id.
- Account Password
Enter the password for this account if required. For secure connections this may be left blank (in this case the account should be passed in as parameter __accountpwd - see Login Page for details).
- Timeout
Specifies the default inactivity timeout, in seconds, between accesses to the connection. This ensures that multiple accesses to the same section within the timeout period will not require creating a new connection. The timeout may be set to zero for one-shot operation. The default time out is 60 seconds.
For secure persistent connections after a timeout delay the user will need to logon again. Under these circumstances, the timeout can be made longer or can be controlled by the DataBasic application.
- Persistent
Select this option to allow a connection to persist over several web pages. This enables Reality item locks and custom status to be maintained. If you select this option, when you click Submit, you will be prompted to enter additional parameters.
Realweb uses cookies to track persistent connections. If you intend using a persistent connection you must ensure that your browser has cookies enabled. The cookies will be destroyed when you close your browser.
Click the Submit button to create or modify the connection.