Action Code 3 Change Options and SP-OPTS
Changes the options assigned to a print job.
Job Id - Options
TCL syntax
SP-OPTS {job-file} {job-id spooler-options} {(options}}
Prompt/Syntax element
job-file specifies the job file to be used for the duration of the command execution. If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.
job-id (Job Id
) is the identity of the print job for which you want to change the Spooler options.
spooler-options (Options
is the option you want to change to. This can be one or more of the options listed below. If you press RETURN, all current options are maintained.
A Align. Suspends despooling from the formqueue, so that you can align print jobs to special forms in the printer. All jobs in the formqueue takes the Align status.
SP-JOBS Action Code 13 or the SP-ALIGN command can be used to align the print job and restart despooling.
B Banner override. Prevents a report banner from printing, even if the formqueue has Print Banner selected.
H Hold. Creates a hold file on disk and outputs the print job. If you want to spool a job and output it later, you can use the S option with the H option. The H option cannot be assigned with the N option.
S Suppress printing. To print use SP-JOBS Action Code 8 or SP-EDIT. This option can only be effective if the print job is still open.
F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file
U Determines the job files of the print job job-id from the PRINT.JOB.CONTROL item. This means that you do not have to know the identity of the job file containing the print job.
Specified job file
Only job-ids of print jobs in the currently specified job file are recognised and their options changed, unless the U option is used. The specified job file must be local. Any attempt to move print jobs residing in another job file (without the U option) will result in an error message. See also the topic Specified Job File.
To add options H and S to job number 12, enter:
Alternatively, enter:
then select Action Code 3 on the Print Jobs screen. At the next prompt, enter the job number and options, as follows:
Job Id12