Action Code 8 Edit Print Job and SP-EDIT

Enables a print job to be viewed, edited and printed.


Job List - >

TCL syntax

SP-EDIT {job-file} job-list {(options}

Prompt/Syntax elements

job-list (Job list) The identity of the print jobs(s) you wish to edit. Job-ids must be separated by spaces or commas.

job-file Specifies the job file to be used for the duration of the command execution. If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.


When using any of the options listed below, the I option (Item) must be entered as the first option. All other options are only significant when used with the I option.

Specified job file

Only job-ids of print jobs in the currently specified job file are recognised. The specified job file must be local.


A All. A print job greater than 31,711 bytes is divided into items of 31,711 or less, as determined by the n option, with sequential item-ids starting from id.001, where id is the item-id specified. This option maintains compatibility with previous software releases.

F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file.

I Item. Copies a print job to a regular file item. When you use this option you are prompted for the destination item to copy the print job to, as follows:

File and Item ID:

You must enter the name of an existing Reality file, followed by an item-id. If the item already exists, an error message is displayed and the item is not copied, except when the O option is specified.

When using the I option, all carriage return (X'OD') and pad (X'00') characters are removed and all line-feed (X'0A') characters are converted to attribute marks (X'FE'), unless modified by another option.

size Specifies the upper size limit (in bytes) for a generated item. The value of size can range from a minimum of 4 to the maximum capacity of your disk.

O Overwrite. Enables the print job to be copied to an existing file item, overwriting it.

P Printable. All characters outside the range X'7f' to X'20' are converted to '~' (tilde - X'7E'), followed by the two hex character representation of the converted character, except for the line-feed character which is converted to an attribute mark.

U Unconverted. Copies the print job to a regular file item without converting carriage return, line-feed and pad characters. Only segment marks are converted. The conversion is from X'FF' to X'5F' (the underscore character).


SP-EDIT with the I option copies the print job to a regular file item so that the full range of line Editor commands can be used. Refer to the Editor Reference.

Action Code 8 or SP-EDIT with no options invokes the line Editor with a special set of Editor commands, as follows:

Reduced set of Editor commands

A Again. Repeats the last Locate command.

B Bottom. Moves the cursor to the end of the print job (EOI).

CP Current Print. Moves the cursor to the approximate current print position of a suspended print job.

EX Exit. If this command is called while using SP-JOBS Action Code 8, the print job is exited and the next print job in the job list is displayed, if one exists. If there are no more print jobs in the job list, the Print Jobs screen is displayed.

If this command is called while using the SP-EDIT command, the print job is exited and the next print job in the job list is displayed, if one exists. If there are no more print jobs in the job list, the TCL prompt is redisplayed.

EXK Exit and Kill. If this command is called while using SP-JOBS Action Code 8, the print job is exited, the remaining print job list is killed, and the Print Jobs screen is redisplayed.

If this command is called while using the SP-EDIT command, the print job is exited, the remaining print job list is killed, and the TCL prompt is redisplayed.

FD Delete. Deletes a print job with HOLD status.

FDO Delete Overriding options. Deletes a print job regardless of the error message shown above.

L{lines} Lists the next number of lines as specified by lines. If lines is not specified, the next line is displayed on the screen. If the listing displays more than one page, each TOP OF FORM is displayed on the screen.

L{lines}"string" Locates the specified string.

lines is the number of lines to search from the current print position. If lines is not specified, the entire print job is searched.

"string" is the character string to locate. You can use any non-numeric delimiter (where double quotes are shown) to specify the character string as long as the delimiter itself is not part of the string.

NlinesNext. Moves the cursor forward lines number of lines. If lines is not specified, the cursor remains on the same line.

NpagesPNext Page. Moves the cursor forward pages number of pages. If pages is not specified, the cursor remains on the same line.

P Prestore. Displays the next 22 lines on the screen. You cannot create your own prestore commands.

SP Start Print. Starts outputting the print job at the next line.

SPA Start Print, setting Alignment required. Starts outputting the print job at the next line and lets you align any special forms in the printer prior to printing.

You must use SP-JOBS Action Code 13 or the SP-ALIGN command to restart printing the print job.

T Top. Moves the cursor to the top of the print job. TOP displays on the screen along with the Spooler editor prompt (.).

UlinesUp. Moves the cursor back lines number of lines. If lines is not specified, the cursor remains at the same position.

UpagesPUp Page. Moves the cursor back pages pages. If pages is not specified, the cursor remains at the same position.

W Back Scrolling. Displays the previous 22 lines on the screen. No line-number parameter is needed.

RETURN Displays the next line.

Example 1

To view the first seven lines of a print job number 2 and then exit from Edit mode without printing the job, enter:


Alternatively, enter:


then select Action Code 8 on the Print Jobs screen prompt:

and the next prompt, enter the formqueue name as follows:

Job List - >2

In either case, the screen displays:


Now, at the Editor prompt (.), enter:


This displays the first seven lines of the print job, as follows:

****************** TOP OF FORM ****************
.PAGE  1 16:18:30  26 FEB 1999
001   H.S. Smith
002   78129
003   F.D. Brown

To exit Edit mode and return to TCL, enter:


at the dot prompt.

Example 2

To copy print job number 6 to file TEMP item-id 1 and to overwrite the existing file item enter:


The screen then displays a message and prompt. Enter the filename and item to which you want to copy job number 6, as follows:

Print Job Id - 6
File and Item ID: TEMP 1

The file TEMP must already exist in the current account. If it does not, the following message is displayed:

[201] Unable to open file 'file-name'

If you do not specify the item-id (1), the Spooler prompts you and you must then enter the item-id, as follows:

[203] Item name? 1

On entering a valid file-name and item-id, the screen displays:

'1' Filed

Now TEMP item 1 can be edited using the full command set of the line Editor by entering:


Example 3

To copy print job number 12 to file TEMP and to automatically create a new file item 'IT' to make use of the Reality line Editor, enter:


At the next prompt, enter the job number 12:

Job List - > 12

The screen then displays a message and prompt. Enter the filename and new item name as follows:

Print Job Id 12
File and Item ID:TEMP IT 'IT' Filed