Monitors and maintains the Spooler's formqueues.
Form Queue Status screen
Entering SP-STATUS at TCL displays a list of formqueues similar to the following:
14:42:31 21 Mar 1999 Form Queue Status Page 1/ 3 Form Queue Despooler Name Type Status Skip Name & Status LSR.LEGAL Public Assigned 1 PTRLASER2 No Process LSR.LETTERHEAD Public Assigned 1 PTRLASER1 No Process STANDARD Public Assigned 1 PTRLASER2 No Process PTRLASER1 Idle TECHNICAL.PUBLIPublic Assigned 1 PTR21 Idle ARCHIVE Private Assigned 1 ARCHTAPE No Process LABELS Private Assigned 1 TAPE3 No Process 1. Create Queue 5. Change Page Skip 9. Start Despooler 99. Exit 2. Change Queuename 6. List Print Jobs 10. Stop Despooler 3. List Form Types 7. Delete Queue 11. Toggle FQ/sys' q's 4. Change Device 8. Change Translation 12. Despooler List Enter Action Code / Page Number (P#)?
This screen displays a list of current formqueue names together with their status, configuration and operating characteristics. At the bottom of the screen, thirteen action codes are displayed. Each action code, except codes 11 and 99, corresponds to a TCL command that performs the same function. Action Codes 2 and 3 are obsolete.
This screen only shows the status of queues in the Reality environment. To obtain status information about the system queue you must select Action Code 11.
Form Queue Status screen fields
Form Queue Name The name of the formqueue. This field is 17 characters wide. Names over 17 characters long are truncated.
Type Two types of formqueue may be shown:
Public Where the formqueue definition is provided in the FORM.QUEUES file and can be updated or read by any user who has update or retrieval access to the FORM.QUEUES file.
Private Where the formqueue definition is in a user specified file which can be protected by update and retrieval locks. To change or read the definition using SPM, you must have the necessary update and retrieval codes for the user's file.
See Overview of Spooler Operation for more details.
Status Form Queue Status. See Status Conditions and Values for a description of status conditions.
Skip Number of page skips at the end of the print job.
Despooler Name & Status
Name and status of each despooler assigned to the formqueue. See Status Conditions and Values for a description of status conditions. If the despooler name is in brackets, it means that it is being monitored by DSPMON.
Selecting an action code
To select a particular action code you enter the appropriate number at the screen prompt. For example, to create a new formqueue, enter 1
, as follows:
Enter Action Code / Page Number (P#)?1
You are then prompted for the necessary parameters to execute the action. In this case, you are prompted for:
Form Queue - Despooler Name -
Enter the queue name you wish to create and the Despooler name to be assigned to it, with a space between entries. If you don't specify the Despooler name, you are re-prompted:
Despooler Name -
Selecting a screen page
The Form Queue Status display may contain more than one screen of Spooler status information. The number of pages available and the current page number are displayed at the top right corner of the screen. To page through the screens, press RETURN. To skip to a particular page, enter P
, followed by the page number (#).
Use of the equivalent TCL command
Instead of selecting an action code from the Form Queue Status screen, you can enter the equivalent TCL command. For example, instead of using Action Code 1, you can enter the SP-CREATE command at TCL followed by the form-queue name required and despooler-name to be assigned.
Action codes with equivalent TCL commands, are listed at the beginning of this topic. The syntax for each TCL command is also described in this section.
TCL commands without parameters
If you enter SP-CREATE without parameters, you are prompted as if you had selected Action Code 1 from the Form Queue Status screen. This applies to all SP-STATUS related commands.
Exiting to TCL
To exit to the TCL prompt, select Action Code 99.