Action Code 1 Create Queue and SP-CREATE
Creates a formqueue assigned to a Despooler.
Form Queue - Despooler -
TCL syntax
SP-CREATE form-queue despooler-name
Prompt/Syntax elements
form-queue (Form Queue
The name of the new formqueue which becomes an item-id in the FORM.QUEUES file. Its format must conform to rules for item-ids (0 to 99 ASCII characters). However, to ensure that a formqueue name fits in the 'Form Queues Name' column, it should consist of 17 characters or less.
despooler-name (Despooler Name
The name of a Despooler to be assigned to the formqueue. This is the item-id of a Despooler definition item in the DESPOOLER.CONTROL file, or it can be 0 if you do not want to assign a Despooler to the formqueue.
Parameters must be entered in the order and number shown in the syntax description and are assigned in that order. Entering SP-CREATE with only the formqueue name causes it to re-prompt for the Despooler name.
Using the old RealityX 3.1 syntax
You can also use SP-CREATE with the old RealityX 3.1 syntax. This creates a default Despooler entry and a formqueue without needing to use the Spooling System Maintenance (SPM) utility. Refer to SP-CREATE with RealityX 3.1 Syntax.
Formqueue definition item
A formqueue definition item is created in the FORM.QUEUES file.
Creating a formqueue using SPM
The SPM utility can be used instead of SP-CREATE to create a formqueue. It is executed by entering SPM at TCL, although the FORM.QUEUES File Maintenance screen can be displayed directly by entering FQM. As well as creating the formqueue definition in FORM.QUEUES, the SPM utility allows you to change and delete the formqueue definition. See Spooling System Maintenance for details.
Multiple formqueues and Despoolers
Any number of formqueues can be assigned to the same Despooler and any number of Despoolers can be assigned to one formqueue.
Assigning no output device
If you specify 0 (zero) at the Despooler Name -
prompt, the Spooler creates the formqueue but does not assign an output device. This is useful if you wish to delay printing jobs. For example, if the output device is currently unavailable, you can assign it later using Action Code 4 or the SP-DEVICE command.
Example 1
To create a formqueue called INVOICES and assign to it the system printer 'laser', enter:
where LASER1 is the Despooler for the laser system printer.
Example 2
To create a formqueue called ARCHIVE and assign to it tape device number 3 with a block size of 2048 bytes, a 3200 bpi density and a 50 byte tape label, enter:
where TAPE3 is the Despooler for tape device 3.
Having created the formqueue, you must enter
to specify the block size, 2048 bytes, density 3200 bpi and tape label.
Using SPM to create the Despooler and formqueue for despooling to tape is a more efficient method.
Example 3 (UNIX host only)
To create a formqueue called ACCOUNTS and to assign a private printer with system printer name 'admin', enter:
Select Action Code 1 at the Form Queue Status screen prompt, then enter the required parameters in response to the prompt, as follows:
Form Queue name - Despooler -ACCOUNTS PTRadmin
where PTRadmin is the Despooler for the private printer.