Spooling System Maintenance
This topic describes the SPM utility which is used to create and maintain formqueues, Despoolers and printer command strings.
SPM Command: Spooler Maintenance
This command enables you to create, change, and delete:
- Formqueue definition items.
- Despooler definition items.
- Printer command strings.
Command Class
Cataloged DataBasic Program.
SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts only.
SPM menu
When you enter SPM at TCL the first screen to be displayed is the Spooling System Maintenance (SPM) menu shown below.
S P O O L I N G S Y S T E M M A I N T E N C E ==================================================================== 1. FORM.QUEUES file maintenance 2. DESPOOLER.CONTROL file maintenance 3. PRINTER COMMAND STRINGS maintenance Enter maintenance option >
To select a maintenance option enter the appropriate menu number at the maintenance option prompt:
Enter maintenance option >
The system will then display a menu for that function. To exit from this menu when the cursor is at the maintenance option prompt, press RETURN only.