Restores one or more accounts from a Multiple-Account-Save (M-A-S).


When migrating data from a Reality system, you must carry out a FILE-SAVE of the migrated database as soon as possible after the migration procedures on the restored database are completed. Similarly, when resizing a database you must carry out a FILE-SAVE as soon as possible after the resized database has been restored. In each case, this allows the modified database to be recovered in the event of a system crash, otherwise migration procedures/resizing will need to be repeated.

Command Class



M-A-R (options


A Specifies that files for which reallocation parameters have been specified should not be configured for automatic sizing.

E If restoring with automatic file sizing active, expand the restored files as necessary. Without this option, the files will be configured for automatic sizing, but will not be expanded.

Without this option, the restore will complete more quickly, but the files concerned will take some time to reach their optimum modulo. You should use this option if it is important that the files are correctly sized.

K Specifies that any reallocation parameters specified should not be cleared in the restored accounts and files.

W Specifies that the save is from a case-insensitive database.


SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts only.


M-A-R does not restore an account that has the same name as an account on the system. Rename or delete accounts with conflicting names before using M-A-R.

When restoring an account or accounts saved from a Reality system or another release of Reality, the UPDATE-ACCOUNT procedure must be run.

If automatic file sizing is active, unless you use the A option, each restored file will be configured for automatic sizing using, as the initial modulo, the previous modulo or that specified in the reallocation parameters. If automatic file sizing is not active, each file is restored with the same sizing mode as it was saved. Automatically sized files will not be expanded during the restore unless you specify the E option.

When an index is restored, it is always configured for automatic file sizing.

Unless the K option is specified, any reallocation parameters specified are cleared in the restored account and files.

If the data on the tape is encrypted, your REK file must contain the correct encryption keys to allow your users access. If transferring data from another database, you must load the keys (using the LOAD-REK command) before starting the restore. Refer to Copying Encrypted Data to another Host for more details.


  1. Ensure that the tape is loaded, on-line and positioned at the beginning-of-tape (BOT) marker, and that you are logged onto SYSMAN or SYSPROG.
  2. At the TCL prompt enter:

  3. The software then prompts for the tape unit(s) to be assigned:

    Enter tape units desired, in sequence, separated by commas.

    Enter the number(s) of the tape unit(s) to be assigned. Multiple tape units can be used in sequence. For details, refer to the topic Multiple Tape Units.

  4. Next the required tape density is prompted for:

    Enter tape density (if other than Device Default)

    Possible values are 800, 1600, 3200 and 6250 bpi, depending on your system. A density of 1600 or 3200 may be required for compatibility with other systems. A density of 6250 bpi reduces the number of tapes. Pressing RETURN only results in the default density configured in the database config file.

    This initiates an ASSIGN on the specified tape unit. A message similar to the following is displayed.

    RECORD SIZE = 16000 DENSITY = 1600
  5. The software prompts:

    Enter Return to see the accounts on this tape -

    Press RETURN only here (the prompt is displayed to give you time to read the instructions).

  6. The accounts on the tape are listed and you are prompted for the accounts to be restored:

    Account Name or * -
    • To restore all accounts enter an asterisk (*)
    • To restore selected accounts enter the name of the first account to be restored. The prompt is then repeated for subsequent accounts until you press only RETURN.

    The account restore now proceeds and, when complete, the TCL prompt is returned. If required, it prompts for additional reels to be mounted.

  7. Finally detach the tape unit, using CLEAR-ASSIGN or T-DET, to allow other users to use it.


The following shows a typical M-A-R procedure.

Enter tape units desired, in sequence, separated by commas?
Tape density (if other than Device Default)?
           RECORD SIZE = 24000      DENSITY = 1600
Multi Account Restore
This utility will restore accounts from a tape created by 
the M-A-S (Multi-Account-Save) utility.
When prompted enter the names of the accounts to be restored (in any order) or
just enter "*" to restore the entire tape contents.
Accounts that already exist will not be overwritten.

Enter return to see the accounts on this tape - 
001     ABC
002     STATUS
003     JKL
        Account Name or * - STATUS
        Account Name or * -
Skipping past account save of ABC
LABEL = ABC    09:26:20   03 OCT 1993
LABEL = STATUS 09:27:07   03 OCT 1993
STATUS 11948,17,1
        ERRORS 11965,1,1
End of account restore(s).