Updates an account after a SYS-UPDATE, or after restoring an account from a tape made under a different release of Reality, so as to reflect changes in commands, Procs and other elements of a master dictionary.
Command Class
The initial prompt is:.
Execute DL/ID UPDATE (Y/N)?
You are then prompted for a series account names, one after another:
Account name ?
Press RETURN at this prompt when you have updated the final account.
SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts only.
Refer to instructions accompanying your new software release.
If account MD entries differ from those which are expected, the old (original) versions are stored in a data section of the file U-A-SAVE in the SYSFILES account, where the data section name is the name of the account.
The following message is displayed, at UPDATE-ACCOUNT run-time, to inform of this.
At least one account has had its obsolete or changed MD entries saved in its 'ACCOUNT' data section of the 'SYSFILES U-A-SAVE' file. A 'LISTFILES /SYSFILES/U-A-SAVE' will list the accounts.
Note that LISTFILES /SYSFILES/U-A-SAVE lists the accounts that have been updated but does not show the updated items. For that you need to use LIST /SYSFILES/U-A-SAVE,account-name for each account.