Remote Account Definition Item

A remote account definition item enables a user to logon or logto an account on another database on another Reality or RealityX system, or on the same system. It is designated a R-pointer to the remote account as it contains a letter 'R' in attribute 1. Attribute 4 points to an entry in the Hosts section of the ROUTE-FILEClosed /etc/ROUTE-FILE is a file on a UNIX host containing items that control the routing a particular process will take through a network. Routing control includes destination system names, network addresses, etc. On Windows hosts, this information is held in the Registry. For Reality external components that use the PC Standard Network Interface for Windows (PCSNI), routing information is held in a file called winsni.ini in the Windows folder.  , which specifies the route to the remote account. When a link is established, the user uses the item-id and the password specified in attribute 7 to log directly to the remote account, unless there is an L in attribute 1, in which case the user-id is prompted for.


For more details on remote logon, refer to User's Reference: Administration.

Item format

Attribute Description
Item-id The name to used access the remote account.
  001 R or RL - R specifies a Remote Account Definition Item; RL specifies that a logon attempt to the remote account is indirect by way of the user-id prompt on the remote database.
  002 The name of the account on the remote database. This will be null if there is no default and the user is prompted for an account name or user-id (RL in attribute 1).
  003 Null.
  004 Remote system name. This must be the identity of an entry in the ROUTE-FILE.
  005 Null.
  006 Null.
  007 Password, encrypted. Can be null. Changed using PASSWORD.
  008 Null.
  009 Can contain various combinations of the following codes:

BDisables the break key.

LLeft aligns the output.

RRuns the Account Logon Program on exit from the debugger.

TEnables the TCL-Inhibit Program.

U Allows the accounting history (ACC) file to be updated for the current user.

  010 Maximum width of report column (default = 10).
  011 Not used and reserved.

See also

Account Definition Item, Synonym Account Definition Item.