Windows onlySession Manager Options

The following session manager options are available:

Default protocol This specifies the protocol used by destination host entries for which no protocol has been specified. It must be set to TELNET  or DDA. The default, if no value is given, is TELNET.

Default port This specifies the port used by destination host entries for which no port has been specified. The default, if no value is given, depends on the default protocol: if the default protocol is telnet, the default is 23; if the default protocol is DDA, the default is 1203.

Default logon prompt
This specifies the logon prompt used by Listening entries for which no prompt has been specified.

The value can contain standard C escape sequences (introduced by "\") - for example, CRLF can be represented as "\r\n". The default, if no value is given, is "\r\nNT Session Manager\r\nLogin please ". The percent character (%) is used to specify the current machine name (%m%) and default database (%d%).

Default login timeout
This specifies the time-out, in seconds, for TCP send and receive operations. The default, if no value is given, is 60 seconds.

Event log The name of the event log file in %REALROOT%\files.

Switch-over size of event log
The maximum size (in bytes) of the event log. The default value is 1,048,576. smanager switches the log when it exceeds this size. It renames the existing file with the prefix "Old_" and creates a new one.

Session log The name of the session log file in %REALROOT%\files.

Switch-over size of session log
The maximum size (in bytes) of the session log; the default value is 1,048,576. smanager switches the log when it exceeds this size. It renames the existing file with the prefix "Old_" and creates a new one.

The log files are described in detail in the section Log Files.


Two additional fields, Default Transport and Default Interface, currently have the fixed values TCP  and SOCKETS  respectively.

netadmin option 6 - Session Manager Options  allows you to change the options which control the working functionality of smanager. Selecting this option displays a list of current smanager values. For example:

Default protocol                : TELNET
Default Interface               : SOCKETS
Default Transport               : TCP
Default port                    : 23
Default login prompt            : %m% (%d%) : Login please :
Default login timeout           : 6
Event log, in REALROOT\files    : Event.log
Switch-over size of event log   : 1048576
Session log, in REALROOT\files  : Session.log
Switch-over size of session log : 1048576
  1. First you are prompted to change the default applications protocol used to communicate with the remote software:

    1. TELNET
    2. DDA
    Select protocol [1-2 / (1) / q] :

    Enter a menu number to select the applications protocol required to communicate with the remote software. Press RETURN to retain the current value.

  2. Enter the port number [PortNumber / (23) / q] :

    Enter the port to be used by Destination host and Listening port entries which use the protocol selected at step 1 and for which no port has been specified, or press return to retain displayed value.

    The default, if no value is given, depends on the default protocol: if the default protocol is TELNET, the default is 23; if the default protocol is DDA, the default is 1203.

  3. Enter default login prompt [Prompt / (Welcome to %m% (%d%) : Login please : ) / q] :

    Enter the logon prompt message to be used by Listening entries for which no prompt has been specified, or press RETURN to retain displayed value.

    The message should be an alphanumeric text string containing \r  for a carriage return and \n  for a line feed. %m% specifies the machine system name and %d%  specifies the default database name.

  4. Enter login timeout [ Seconds / (60) / q] :

    Enter the timeout in seconds. This is the period of time within which a user must login to the system, after the login prompt has been displayed, before the terminal is disconnected. The default, if no value is given, is 60 seconds. Press RETURN to retain displayed value.

  5. Enter event log name [(Event.log) / q] :

    Enter the name of the event log file in %REALROOT%\files. Press RETURN to retain displayed value.

  6. Enter switch-over size of event log [Bytes / 1048576 / q] :

    Enter the maximum size (in bytes) of the event log. The default value is 1,048,576. If the existing file is larger than this maximum, the existing file is renamed with the prefix "Old_" and a new file created.


    Session manager switches when the log reaches the maximum size.

  7. Enter session log name [File / (Session.log) / q] :

    Enter the name of the session log file in %REALROOT%\files. Press RETURN to retain displayed value.

  8. Enter switch-over size of session log [Bytes / (1048576) / q] :

    Enter the maximum size (in bytes) of the session log. The default value is 1,048,576. If the existing file is larger than this maximum, the existing file is renamed with the prefix "Old_" and a new file created.


    Session manager switches when the log reaches the maximum size.

  9. The complete set of smanager options is then displayed

    Default protocol                         : TELNET
    Default Interface                        : SOCKETS
    Default Transport                        : TCP
    Default port                             : 23
    Default login prompt                     : %m% (%d%) : Login please 
    Default login timeout                    : 6
    Event log, in REALROOT\files             : Event.log
    Switch-over size of event log            : 1048576
    Session log, in REALROOT\files           : Session.log
    Switch-over size of session log          : 1048576
    Do you wish to commit this [y / (n)] :

    Enter y  to save these changed options or n  to abort the changes. You are then returned to the main menu.