Remote Logon to UNIX Environment

This section briefly covers the prerequisites for logging onto a UNIX environment from a remote Reality or SovereignX environment.

Logging On

From Reality

To log on to a remote UNIX system from a Reality environment, a remote account must be created in the Reality environment using the CREATE-ACCOUNT command.

You can then gain access to the UNIX system by simply entering the name of the remote account, either at the logon prompt or using the LOGTO command.

From SovereignX

To log on to a remote UNIX system from a SovereignX environment, the SHELL command must be included in the relevant keyword set (refer to the SovereignX System Administration and Utilities manual for details).

The SHELL command allows execution of UNIX commands, therefore making it possible to use REMLOG.


To log on to a remote UNIX system from another UNIX system, simply use REMLOG. Both UNIX systems must be running UNIX-Connect.

Setting up the Terminal

Once you have established a connection to a remote UNIX system, the UNIX logon prompt is displayed. You then logon to the UNIX system in the same way as if the terminal were directly connected.


If you have an entry in the USERS file, only the password prompt is displayed (any password in the USERS file is ignored).

Once you are logged on to the UNIX system, you should check that the terminal is set up correctly by examining the TERM variable. This is done by entering the following command:

$ echo $TERM

If the terminal type is not correct, it should be altered, by entering the following commands:

$ TERM=TerminalType $ export TERM

For example:

$ TERM=P12
$ export TERM

sets the terminal type to P12.

The following terminals are supported:


Each of these terminal types is defined in the directory /usr/lib/terminfo.


It is important that the terminal type is set up correctly.

Logging Off

To log off from a remote UNIX system, type CTRL+d.

If CTRL+d does not terminate the UNIX session, enter:


Having terminated the UNIX session, you are returned to the remote system. Press RETURN to display the Reality LOGON PLEASE:  prompt or the SovereignX shell prompt ($).