Remote Logon from UNIX

This section details how to set up a terminal and use remote logon from the UNIX environment. It contains the following topics:


REMLOG (Remote Logon Client) is a process running in the UNIX environment which allows you to perform a logon to a remote environment (provided the necessary ROUTE-FILE entries have been set up).


  • Only one remote connection is possible from a single terminal at any one time.

  • The use of REMLOG from the UNIX system console is not supported.

Modes of Operation

REMLOG has two modes of operation:

Once you have established a connection to a remote environment, you can switch between local and remote mode.


It is not possible to switch to local mode on a character mode (ACI) circuit.


Once REMLOG is running you can enter any of the following commands at the REMLOG prompt (remlog>):

!Allows execution of UNIX commands from within REMLOG.

close or disconnect
Terminates an open connection.

exit or quitTerminates any open connection and exits REMLOG.

helpDisplays a help screen.

open or connectOpens a connection to a remote environment.

remoteSwitches from local to remote mode (provided a connection is already open).

setAllows you to change user-configurable parameters.

statusDisplays status information.


You can also start REMLOG and connect to a remote environment in one operation.

In addition to these commands an escape sequence allows you to switch from remote to local mode (the default is CTRL+], but you can change it if required).

Network User-Ids

When using REMLOG to log onto a remote system, you can explicitly specify a user-id (and any associated password). Alternatively, the network user-id can be supplied from the USERS-FILE. See Network User-ids. For details on setting up network user-ids see Network Security.